10// Conclusion and next steps

In conclusion, merging digital and paper offers a wide range of possibilities. Each of them has unique qualities and using them together can create something new, which can be more interactive, accessible, can create community and so on.
The next step of this research process is to focus on experimentation. At this stage, the specific direction remains open, and the intention is to explore various possibilities.
 Therefore, I decided with this final post to focus on the first steps I could take in the experimental process.

Exploring Initial Experimentation Ideas

I believe the chosen approach to experiment should allow for flexibility and adaptation as the experiments progress.  As these ideas take shape, the goal is to remain open to the unexpected, allowing the experimentation process to guide the project’s evolution. Through these initial experiments, a clearer direction may emerge, paving the way for more focused and refined exploration in the subsequent stages of the research.

Experiment with Augmented Reality
As I already researched augmented reality can add motion, videos and audio to paper, by simply scanning it. It would be interesting to initiate a small-scale project using augmented reality tools such as Artivive to explore the potential of augmented reality.

QR Code Exploration
Qr codes are an interesting tool, but often not as engaging as Augmented reality. How could Qr code exploration become more interesting to the viewer? I could conduct experiments with QR codes to uncover innovative ways to make them more engaging and interesting. Moreover, I could consider how QR codes can be utilized beyond conventional applications, perhaps introducing dynamic content or interactive elements.

Tactility and Materials
To enhance the print medium, I believe it would be important to pay attention to the tactile experience by incorporating different materials into the project. A possibility would be the inclusion of interactive elements that engage the sense of touch.

Field of Interest that emerged

Accessibility Enhancement

Another interesting topic would be accessibility. In the experimentational process I could investigate how augmented reality can be leveraged to improve accessibility. This could be done by exploring the integration of additional sensory dimensions, such as audio or video cues, to make content more inclusive for individuals with diverse needs.

Community Building through Print
Another interesting possibility would be developing a project centered around the theme of sharing and community-building, starting from a printed medium. This could be done using QR codes, social media integration, or other digital elements to foster a sense of connection and interaction among readers.

09// Implementing Digital Experiences in Editorial Experiences

Implementing digital enhancements in editorial experiences unlocks new possibilities for engagement and interaction. However, connection between editorial and digital poses some challenges. In this post, these difficulties will be explored and possible strategic solutions to integrate digital elements will be presented.

Connecting to digital experiences requires actions from the users like scanning a QR code or downloading an app to access augmented reality. However, users should be motivated enough to take action. Many times the instructions are not clear enough, the process is too complicated or the rewards do not seem enough interesting to users.

Possible Solutions

Using Clear Instructions
Clear and concise instructions play an important role in bridging the gap between editorial and digital experiences. Users must be provided with straightforward guidance on how to access digital elements, whether it involves scanning QR codes or downloading specific applications. Employing intuitive language and visual cues ensures a seamless transition from traditional editorial content to the digital realm.

Making Digitally Provided Contents Valuable
To encourage users to actively engage with digital elements, the content presented in the digital realm must offer significant value. Whether through exclusive multimedia content, interactive features, or supplementary information, the digital extension should complement and enrich the editorial experience.

Using Typography, Colors, and Images for Appeal
The visual appeal of digital elements is crucial for capturing user interest. Using typography, colors, and images strategically can enhance the attractiveness of the digital components.
For instance, the partnership of Netflix with cafes for Gilmore Girls pop-ups, shows us how a Qr code can be implemented successfully. The cups featured a Snapcode on cup sleeves for an exclusive Snapchat filter. The Qr code was shaped in a snapchat logo, so the purpose was immediately recognizable and scanning it was attractive to user, as they got something in return for their action.  [1]

Integrating Digital Realm into the Overall Experience
Instead of treating the digital dimension as a separate entity, it should be seamlessly integrated into the overall editorial experience. This ensures that digital elements do not feel like isolated components but rather integral parts of the narrative.

Conducting Research for User Understanding
An important step would be to research about users, understanding user behaviours, needs, and attitudes, to comprehend what to create to better engage the users.[2]
Moreover, iterative testing and optimization of design elements through A/B testing could help identify what resonates most with users, refining the digital experience over time. Lastly, tracking KPIs, including conversion rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics, can quantifiable insights into the effectiveness of design strategies. [3]

Next Step

  • Define the vison/next steps for the final project


[1] https://www.adobe.com/express/learn/blog/qr-code-marketing
[2] https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ux-design/how-to-conduct-user-experience-research-like-a-professional/
[3] https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/what-best-kpis-measure-ab-test-skills-marketing-analytics-ck5de

08// Different tools to merge digital and paper

Tools for Augumented reality

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Augmented Reality (AR) tools have emerged as powerful facilitators, reshaping our interactions with the physical and digital realms.

Artivive is an augmented reality (AR) application designed to enrich static artworks, illustrations, or photographs by bringing them to life through smartphone or tablet scanning. Catering primarily to the art world, Artivive enhances traditional printed materials with dynamic and interactive digital content. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it a go-to tool for artists, enabling them to seamlessly merge physical and digital elements, creating captivating and immersive AR-enhanced experiences. (1)

Adobe Aero
Adobe Aero is an innovative tool for Augmented Reality (AR) that simplifies the creation of immersive experiences by enabling users to design 3D objects and animations without extensive coding. With an intuitive interface and seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud, Aero empowers designers, artists, and creative professionals to bring their visions to life effortlessly. Leveraging real-time object tracking and gesture recognition, Adobe Aero allows users to author interactive AR experiences that respond dynamically to the physical environment. (2)

Other tools
Other tools which can be used include Zapwork, Accessar, Onirix, Roar, Augmania, Brio XR. However, most of them are targeted to businesses and have a higher pricing.

Qr codes

QR codes are machine readable printed representation of data for various industry uses. It has now become common in consumer advertising. A consumer with a Smartphone can install an app with a QR code scanner that can read and decode the URL information and redirect the phone’s browser to a company website. After scanning QR codes, users may receive text, add a business card contact to their devices, open a Web hyperlink, or compose an email or text message.

Manage QR codes in InDesign
You can now generate and edit high quality independent QR code graphics from within InDesign. The generated QR code is a high-fidelity graphic object that behaves exactly like native vector art in InDesign. (3)

Qr generators online
Qr codes can also be generated through many different websites. Most of them offer different pricing options to generate certain amounts of them. These include Beaconstac’s QR Code solution, QR-Code-generator.com, QR Code Monkey, Scanova, Shopify’s QR Code generator. (4)

Customizable website platforms

Website platforms can be the perfect tool to connect a printed product to digital. Through the use of a Qr code or other technologies the two can be connected

The foundation of web development, CSS and HTML are essential languages for creating custom and visually appealing websites. However, using them can be time-consuming and demanding.

A highly versatile content management system, WordPress has a user-friendly interface and a vast library of plugins and themes. It caters to a broad spectrum of website needs, from blogs and portfolios to e-commerce sites, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. (5)

Known for its visually appealing templates and design-centric approach, Squarespace is a platform that caters to creatives and businesses alike. It provides an all-in-one solution with features such as e-commerce capabilities, blogging tools, and domain registration, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a seamless and aesthetically pleasing website-building experience. (6)

Wix is a versatile website builder that combines ease of use with extensive customization options. With its drag-and-drop editor and a wide array of templates and apps, Wix accommodates diverse website needs, from portfolios to online stores, making it a flexible choice for users with varying levels of technical expertise. (7)


1- https://artivive.com/

2- https://www.adobe.com/it/products/aero.html

3- https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/generate-qr-code.html

4- https://medium.com/@monikaadarsh/best-qr-code-generators-in-2020-i-tried-all-15-of-them-eb206b859d9

5- https://wordpress.org/

6- https://it.squarespace.com/

7- https://it.wix.com/

Next Steps

  • Define in which areas I could experiment

07// Exploring diverse editorial projects merging with the digital realm

After the sixth post, the research on existing projects seemed relevant enough to continue further. Also here, different projects will be presented by focusing on how the digital realm encounters paper in these cases.

TYPE01 Magazine
TYPE01 Magazine is a publication which seamlessly merges analog and digital realms, offering readers a unique experience by integrating moving images into seemingly static pages. This innovation is made possible through the use of QR code technology, allowing users to interact with the content and access specific animations. The magazine features bold graphics, oversized typography, and captivating visuals, with the second issue exploring the world of kinetic type and its intersection with technology. The lenticular split cover, designed by Hamburg-based artist Giang Nguyen (Gydient), adds an extra layer of dynamism, creating an illusion of motion when viewed from different angles. TYPE01 Magazine embraces the ongoing transformation of print, proving that it is far from obsolete and continues to adapt to contemporary trends.

Change of perspective
In celebration of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences‘ 50th anniversary, 27 Communication Design students crafted a unique calendar titled „Change of Perspective.“ This calendar, featuring augmented reality elements, creatively represents the university’s diverse facets through visually translated interview quotes. The project received acclaim from the jury for its innovative design, seamless execution, and the engaging three-dimensional movement of illustrations, offering viewers an interactive and playful exploration of perspectives beyond the university context.

Bewerbungsbuch Kulturhauptstadt
While this book does not connect paper to devices, it tries to translate into paper the online scrolling. Hannover’s second application book for the Capital of Culture 2025 title showcases a poetic design. The 100 pages are ingeniously assembled into a 21-meter-long scroll, featuring a manifesto, diverse texts, and numerous illustrations, some reaching up to two meters in size. This unique design seamlessly merges the traditional book medium with the benefits of digital, allowing users to enjoy endless reading and effortlessly view images and graphics, akin to reading from a tablet, all protected by a striking orange capsule.

SLANTED Magazine 37 – AI
While this magazine does not focus on connecting digital and paper, it shows how AI can contribute in different creative fields, such as creation of images and typefaces.


1- https://www.printmag.com/graphic-design/ready-type01-magazine-is-merging-analog-with-digital-through-immersive-qr-technology/

2- https://www.red-dot.org/de/project/change-of-perspective-54726

3- https://www.red-dot.org/project/bewerbungsbuch-kulturhauptstadt-54729

4- https://www.slanted.de/product/slanted-magazine-37-ai/

Next Steps

  • Understand which tools can be used for merging digital and editorial projects
  • Define in which areas I could experiment

06// Exploring diverse editorial projects merging with the digital realm


This article delves into the work of artists and designers, showcasing their unique perspectives and contributions to the connections between the editorial and digital realm.

2.0 – Diskurse aus der digitalen Welt
One interesting master thesis project connected to the themes of editorial design and digital is “2.0 – Diskurse aus der digitalen Welt” by Daniel Huber, a student at the KUNSTUNIVERSITÄT LINZ 2.0. This a free, interdisciplinary publication focusing on discourses from the digital world, with its inaugural issue dedicated to the theme of ‚Virtuality and Immortality.‘ The printed magazine is enriched with digital layers, allowing readers to interact and expand upon existing discourses, bridging the gap between print and the digital realm. The project’s objective is to illuminate rapidly changing societal and social realities, creating a network that fosters the manifestation of ideas, encourages contemplation, sparks artistic potential, and promotes creativity and exchange.
An interesting feature of the publication is that readers can contribute to discourses on a connected website by typing the assigned hashtag on the page. Moreover, people can interact with the content by scanning photos with an app and watching the connected videos. (1)

Deaf Magazine
Another interesting project which merges editorial and digital is the “Deaf Magazine”, this project was led by Alexandros Michalakopoulos and Andreas Ruhe from the Morphoria Design Collective and it is winner of the Red Dot Award. In this case the union of digital with editorial is done to guarantee accessibility.
DEAF MAGAZINE is a lifestyle and society magazine centered around German Sign Language culture, originating from empirical work at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. Integrating text, image, and video through multimedia technology, the magazine facilitates a stress-free consumption of complex information for the deaf and hearing-impaired by bridging the gap between written text and sign language. (2)

Adrianne Phebey – 56917 
Another book which uses a device to enhance the print isAdrianne Phebey – 56917”.In this case, the publication is interactive by bringing the images to life by simply scanning them. This project was exhibited at the OXO Tower, Bargehouse in London in July 2017 and here it was displayed as it was an installation, where the printed book and a tablet to scan the book are shown together to the audience. Exploring the narrative of amateur female boxer Adrianne Phebey, the interactive publication ‚Adrianne Phebey – 56917‘ delves into her endeavours. It seeks to celebrate her story, analyse physical and psychological rituals, and navigate the dynamics of competing within a predominantly male-dominated field. (3)

1- https://www.kunstuni-linz.at/galerie/arbeiten-1/medien/visuelle-kommunikation/2021/20-diskurse-aus-der-digitalen-welt

2- https://www.behance.net/gallery/60505731/DEAF-MAGAZINE-REDESIGN?tracking_source=search_projects_featured_date&l=0

3- https://www.behance.net/gallery/55168587/Adrianne-Phebey-56917

Next Steps

  • Find other examples
  • Understand which tools can be used for merging digital and editorial projects
  • Define in which areas I could experiment

05// Focusing on the unique possibilities we have thanks to technology

In examining the distinctive features of both traditional paper and digital interfaces, the question arises: why not fully embrace the digital realm? After focusing on the advantages brought by paper it is interesting to explore the specific advantages that digital platforms offer.

Unlike static paper, digital platforms enable users to engage with content in real-time. Features like hyperlinks, multimedia elements and instant updates provide a more immersive encounter with information.

Unlike traditional paper, digital platforms offer accessibility features that are helpful to a diverse audience. Customizable text sizes, font styles, and colour schemes empower users to tailor their reading experience based on individual preferences and accessibility needs. Moreover, digital interfaces allow for the integration of assistive technologies, such as screen readers and voice commands, offering an inclusive environment for individuals with visual, auditory, or motor impairments. (1)

Endless Contents
One of the advantages of digital content is its limitless content. Users can carry vast amounts of information in a single device, eliminating the need for physical storage or transport. This ease of access allows users to access content whenever and wherever, breaking free from the constraints of a fixed physical medium.

Collaborative Capabilities
Digital platforms facilitate collaboration, allowing users to share, edit, and comment on content in real-time. This collaborative aspect enhances communication, making it an invaluable tool for work, education, and creative projects. Paper, in contrast, often requires physical presence for collaborative efforts, limiting its potential in today’s globally connected world.

Adaptability and Customization
Digital content is highly adaptable and customizable to individual preferences. Not only the user can decide manually how to customize the content, but also algorithms help target specific content for each user’s preferences. (2)

In conclusion, while traditional paper offers unique sensory experiences, the advantages of digital platforms are many. Following this post, I will look at how projects are able to connect the qualities of digital with the ones of paper.

1- https://dap.berkeley.edu/types-assistive-technology
2- https://wp.nyu.edu/dispatch/top-recommendation-and-personalization-algorithms-every-data-scientist-should-know/

Next steps
– Research designers who worked with merging digital with paper

04// Why merge these two experiences instead of going fully digital?

I have previously discussed the distinctive qualities and characteristics of both digital tools and paper. Paper offers a unique sensory experience that cannot be replicated by a screen. Simultaneously, the digital realm provides diverse opportunities, such as viewing dynamic images and connecting with others. In this instance, my focus is to delve deeper into the specific attributes that paper provides, which technology lacks. What key characteristics set paper apart?

Tactile and Olfactory Experience
Paper provides a tactile experience that engages the sense of touch. The physicality of turning pages, feeling the texture, and holding a tangible object can contribute to a richer sensory experience that is absent in digital interfaces.
Moreover, the olfactory experience is unique to paper. The smell of ink, paper, or any other materials used in printing can evoke memories and add another layer to the reading or viewing experience.

Personal archives
Physical books serve as personal archives due to the traces readers leave behind. This includes fingerprints, annotations, inserted objects, and more. These physical imprints can offer insights into a reader’s habits, emotions, and personal history.

Paper is widely accessible, and you don’t need any special devices or electricity to use it. This makes it a reliable medium, especially in situations where technology may not be readily available or reliable. Digital interfaces can present challenges for individuals with certain physical or cognitive disabilities. Paper, with its tactile nature, maybe more accessible to people with visual impairments, motor skill challenges, or cognitive differences. Braille, large print, or other adaptations can be easily applied to paper documents.

Some Examples
Many are the projects through which the tactility in print is enhanced. Bruno Munari, a pioneering Italian artist and designer, explored innovative concepts in the realm of children’s literature with his pre-books, or „prelibri.“ These unique creations sought to engage children in a tactile and interactive manner, introducing them to the sensory experience of books. Munari’s pre-books experimented with various materials, textures, and shapes, fostering a hands-on exploration that went beyond traditional storytelling.

In a contemporary context, a project by the student Boris Sidokhin showcases a similar spirit of experimentation and interaction. He reflects on the tactality of the book and experiments with different materials. (1)

Furthermore, graphic designer Yuna Kim, as featured in an article (2), employed scratch cards as a medium, enhancing the tactality of the object. Kim’s work with scratch cards demonstrates an innovative fusion of technology and traditional materials, creating a multisensory experience.


  1. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7115627938338742272?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7115627938338742272%29
  2. https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/yuna-kim-graphic-design-210422

Next steps

  • Research designers who worked with this topic
  • Research more the advantages of digital

03// Innovative possibilities to merge editorial and digital experiences.

With this third post, I present other ways of merging editorial and digital experiences. This time, the researched methods are innovations, that are still not used widely.

Conductive Ink 
Conductive Ink is a printed object which conducts electricity. For example, this technology is used in packaging.  A code made of conductive ink is applied to the product package, either printed on it or embedded within it, situated beneath or within the graphic inks. To activate this conductive ink, customers simply need to touch the package or product with their mobile device while holding it. A reader can in this way access digital content of any kind, including videos, music, or web pages, simply by touching a link on a book’s page. [1]

Clickable Paper 
Clickable Paper™ represents an interactive printing solution utilizing image recognition software to link physical prints with digital content. It enables the inclusion of up to six links on any printable material, connecting to various rich media outcomes such as websites, videos, and e-commerce portals for each link. Additionally, it allows mobile devices to perform actions like initiating a phone call, accessing a map, or sending an email or tweet. [2]

Fujitsu’s FingerLink 
This innovative technology allows you to use your fingers to operate a scanner and projector, serving as a link between digital and analogue technologies to interact with printed information. [3]

Near Field Communication (NFC) Tags:
NFC tags embedded in printed materials can enable a seamless connection between the physical and digital realms. Users can tap their NFC-enabled devices on the printed material to access additional content, links, or interactive experiences. This technology is used, for instance, in contactless payments. [4]


[1] https://touchcode.com/benefits-conductive-ink-consumer-packaging/

[2] https://www.ricoh-ap.com/products/commercial-industrial-printers/production-printing-software/ricoh-clickable-paper

[3] https://www.cnet.com/culture/fingerlink-turns-paper-into-touch-screens/?search=toapp

[4] Content translated from: https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/nfc_%28Neologismi%29/

Next steps

  • Research designers who worked with this topic.
  • Research topic: Why merge these two experiences instead of going fully digital?

02// Other examples of merging editorial and digital experiences.

With this second post, I present other commonly used ways of merging editorial and digital experiences. Each of them is also accompanied by some examples of well-known magazines.

Additional contents online
Magazines are extending their editorial reach by offering complementary content online. This could include exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, or multimedia elements that enhance the reader’s understanding of the articles. Some magazines also use apps where this content can be reached more easily. To connect the paper version to this additional content often QR codes are used, or it is simply written to check out the website.

The New Yorker
For instance, The New Yorker, an American magazine, provides a blend of print and digital experiences with its online articles, multimedia content, and podcasts. It has a well-developed mobile app that offers a user-friendly interface for readers on the go. [1]

Social media Integration
I already mentioned the role of social media and how people share what they think about what they read there. However, this time I researched more about how some magazines use social media to engage with their readers.  Social media can help create a sense of community around the magazine brand. Readers can share their favourite articles, comment on posts, and participate in discussions, fostering a more interactive and social reading experience. Moreover, the magazine can reach a wider audience by choosing captivating social media content.

The National Geographic
For example, National Geographic, a magazine about travel exploration and science, uses different platforms to engage the readers in different ways.
It uses Instagram, which features beautiful photographs, short video clips, and engaging captions. On Twitter, National Geographic maintains an active presence by sharing real-time updates and facts. Through Facebook National Geographic encourages followers to share their travel experiences and thoughts on articles. Through Snapchat short documentaries are shown. Finally, National Geographic runs interactive campaigns on TikTok. These may include challenges related to conservation efforts, photography skills, or cultural exploration, encouraging users to engage creatively with the magazine’s content. [2]

Scanning-text apps
Another way in our everyday life in which editorial and digital experiences are merged is through OCR technology to recognize and extract text from images, enabling various applications in document digitization, data extraction, and text analysis. One example of this is Google Lens. This is an external tool but it can be used together with printed text to translate it or to recognize images. Moreover, if you take photos of a book it can be recognized and Google Lens can show you reviews and summaries. [3]


[1] https://www.newyorker.com/about/us?verso=true

[2] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/editors-note-social-media

[3] https://support.google.com/photos/answer/7539151?sjid=383218545872625048-EU

Next steps

  • Research designers who worked with this topic.
  • Research innovative ways of merging the two experiences

01// Initial ideas and research

Initial Ideas

  • Linguistic Accessibility

Linguistic accessibility goes far beyond the simple translation of words. It is about ensuring that people, regardless of their mother tongue or level of language proficiency, can fully understand and interact with the information presented. In order to ensure greater ac­cessibility, I could explore different ways to make con­tent universally understandable. For instance, I could research how to complement written language with other forms of communication, such as images and icons in addition to translations in the mainly used languages, to make the information more comprehen­sible even to those with a low level in the language in question.

  •  Communicating Science

In the age of digital information, the main challenge is how to ensure the accuracy and relevance of infor­mation, especially when it comes to important con­cepts such as scientific texts. The role of the designer becomes crucial in facilitating communication that is accurate, engaging but not superficial. In a world where a myriad of information is available at the click of a button, how can we highlight what is truly im­portant and reliable? How can we filter and consume information responsibly, avoiding the temptation to swallow content that is often irrelevant or, even worse, false?

  • Merging Editorial with Digital experiences (I chose to focus on this topic)

During my studies, I worked on some editorial projects, but I have been equally fascinated by web design. These two interests led me to reflect: which one will prevail in the modern world? However, I believe that both have their own unique characteristics: paper gives us a sensory experience (tactile sensation, aro­ma of the paper, textures) that can’t be replaced by a screen. At the same time on the web, we have different possibilities, like watching moving images or connect­ing to other people. While often analogue and digital are compared my question of research is how are the two experiences are already merged? And what could be other possibil­ities of merging them?

Why I am interested

My studies have immersed me deeply in the world of publishing and typography, but some initial studies in the field of web design have interested me greatly.

How can Editorial experiences be merged with digital ones? Some examples.

Qr code

We already see the integration of digital into paper with tools like the QR code. From a single symbol printed on paper, one can access websites.

Sharing on social media

The two worlds meet in the experience of many readers indirectly. For example, I could read a novel, share my thoughts on Twitter, do a review on Amazon and search for a video explanation on YouTube on parts I did not understand.

Augmented Reality Publishing 

This method introduces an exciting way to enhance printed media while preserving the charm of physical objects. Smartphone apps bring printed materials to life, offering highly interactive experiences. Through Augmented Reality (AR) technology, readers can watch videos, listen to audio, or access additional information by pointing their mobile cameras at pictures. Major companies like The New Yorker, Disney, and Volkswagen have embraced AR in their print marketing campaigns.

Some Examples

Christoph Niemann augmented reality in The Newyorker magazine: https://www.christophniemann.com/detail/virtual-reality/

Augmented reality used by Disney, which developed a virtual character app for drawing: https://la.disneyresearch.com/publication/live-texturing-of-augmented-reality-characters/

Artivive, an app which makes the possibility of using augmented reality easier: https://artivive.com/

Next steps

  • Research other possibilities to merge editorial and digital experiences.
  • Research designers who worked with this topic.