18 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Preset Fabrics, Materials, Presentation and Customization in CLO3D

I decided to skip some sections of the tutorial series in my blogposts as they are only relevant for internal processes in CLO and would not be relevant to discuss outside of the application context they are used in. Instead, I decided to move to the final part of the tutorial series and explain about fabrics, materials, presentation and customization options in CLO. 

CLO comes with a very extensive catalogue of preset fabrics you can use through your subscription. It also allows you to load fabrics purchased from online libraries. Further, you can customize the default or loaded fabrics in the fabric property editor. 

Using and applying the fabrics is very easy and intuitive. You simply have to select a fabric from the library and drag and drop it into the object browser, from where you can apply it to the entire garment or just individual parts of the garment. This can be done in multiple ways, all of which are very intuitive. 

Customization can be applied to default fabrics and offers the standard modification settings that are used in most 3D softwares in which you can model fabrics. The color editor, in which you can customise your fabrics exact color lets you choose either a self determined color value or it lets you pick from exact Pantone color catalogue. This can be useful for translating the garment from digital to analog as Pantone colours are frequently used as references in fabric production and dying processes. 

Apart from colours, CLO also allows you to import and apply your own pattern designs and customise various things about it like scale and position. There is also an option for applying graphics to garments, which comes with lots of customisable settings, from normal maps to roughness maps and other modification possibilities. Trims and hardware can also be selected from the CLO preset library or imported as OBJs if they were modelled in a different software.  

17 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Cloth Simulation in CLO3D

In the tutorial series of the CLO3D software on YouTube, there is a dedicated tutorial all about the basics of the cloth simulation function and the particle distance setting in CLO. Having used other 3D software before, I am familiar with the terminology of these settings, but until now, I have not yet fully understood how they work and what exactly they mean for cloth simulation. 

The CLO3D tutorial is limited to the basic simulation settings offered inside CLO and only briefly explained what particle distance does in the garment settings. But even this small explanation is already very helpful in understanding the purpose of the setting. 

One aspect of CLO that is interesting to mention in contrast to other 3D programs is that the standard mesh construction uses triangular shapes rather than square or rectangular mesh. This is because the triangular shapes are better suited to creating fabric that is meant to drape over the body. CLO offers the function of changing this setting but it is advised to keep it at the triangular setting for optimal performance. 

Another point that is addressed in the tutorial is the issue of collision. Since 3D objects are constructed of mesh, they can entangle and pass through each other, which is important to know when draping garments in CLO. 

Finally, CLO offers several simulation settings that each have their different pros and cons for different use cases. The settings can affect the accuracy of the garment draping as it is being simulated.  

16 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Critical Pattern Components and Modification Options

In the last blogpost, we learned how to develop patterns from scratch in CLO3D. In this post, we will explore some critical pattern components and the most common way of pattern modification – the dart. 

Previously, we established that there are two basic ways of developing a pattern for a garment in CLO, that is, working with geometric base shapes or using the free drawing polygon tool. As mentioned in the last post, it takes some experience to know what the base shape of a pattern piece should even look like, which is why I remarked that at this point of the learning process of CLO, we have arrived at the point where I would expect people without prior pattern drafting experience would start struggling. To demonstrate the challenges that might come up at this point, I will use the example of a seemingly simple garment to develop – a basic sleeveless top.

Even with an apparently simple base shape, there are critical pattern parts which require some knowledge of pattern drafting to get right. Notoriously, the armhole is one such critical point. The anatomy of the human body makes it difficult to navigate this area since there are a lot of curves and a lot of movement is expected, so patterns must accommodate for adequate mobility in this area of the garment.

In classic pattern drafting, there are usually mathematical formulas that tell you where to place lines and curves using the measurements of your model’s body. When drawing the shape of the pattern freehand with the polygon tool in CLO, you are bound to run into issues as the freehand drawing is simply not precise enough and will lead to messy armhole shapes if you don’t have a lot of experience and a good feeling for developing the shape in the 2D window.  

The most common way of modifying patterns to accommodate curves in the body is the so-called dart. A dart is a small added seam in the garment that takes in parts of the fabric and allows the garment to better fit the shape of the body. CLO also has a dart drawing feature, which is simple enough to use but will be another case of functions that might be too confusing for users without previous pattern drafting experience. 

Dart placement and shaping is another of those notoriously difficult things to learn in pattern drafting. The functions in CLO will certainly offer a lot of help to users experienced in pattern drafting, but might have their limits as well, since darts are sometimes a matter of shaping the mockup garment directly on the body. They not only depend on the individual body shape of the client for whom the garment is made but can also be influenced by the undergarments that are expected to be worn underneath the garment. To put it simply, dart placement and shaping is a whole science in itself and could fill many many blogposts on its own.   

15 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Pattern Drawing from Scratch 

After the last Blogpost, where we saw how already existing patterns are placed on the Avatar, this time, we will start drawing patterns from scratch in CLO3D.  

In CLO, if you want to draw a pattern from scratch, you have several drawing tools that are similar to the tools found in programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign. The program offers the option of drawing predefined shapes like rectangles or ellipses, or you can draw free shapes. 

The rectangle tool is the most useful for pattern drafting, as most shapes in standard clothing patterns are developed from rectangular base shapes with curves added to accommodate the shapes of the body. But  the free drawing polygon tool is also useful because it with a little practice, you can directly develop the base shape of the pattern piece without making the detour of modifying a rectangle shape. The polygon tool also comes with the function of drawing bezier curves while left-clicking and dragging when drawing the shape. This is useful for users who have previous experience with digital drawing programs but might take some getting used to for users who are not familiar with this mode of drawing yet. 

As with all the program’s tools, CLO also offers a wide variety of functions for drawing specific measurements to fit a premeasured shape. In the previous blogpost about pattern development, I talked about how I believe the 2D + 3D layout of CLO would make it easier to understand patterns for users without previous knowledge of sewing and pattern drafting. In this case, I think it might be the opposite case. I believe users without prior pattern drafting knowledge will find the process of developing patterns from shapes or even drawing them free hand very daunting and confusing. Even though CLO has many useful features to make the process easy, I can see how these functions might overwhelm people who are new to the process of pattern drafting. 

In the next Blogpost, we will take a look at critical pattern components and pattern modification options.  

14 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Understanding Pattern Pieces, Pattern Layouts and Pattern to Garment Relationships

In the previous blogpost, we discussed the preset avatar options and settings and the avatar editor in CLO3D and their implications for 3D body representation in digital fashion design. In this post, we will turn to the two-dimensional side of fashion design – the pattern. We will take a look at how the pattern is laid out in CLO3D, how the pattern representation relates to the garment pieces and how CLO helps to understand the relationship between 2D and 3D representation.  

In dressmaking education, learning how to construct patterns and how to translate design sketches into a pattern and how that pattern and its pieces relate to the finished garment are some of the most challenging skills to learn. It takes a while to understand the relationships and logic between the two-dimensional pattern and how the curves and darts translate to the fit of the garment on the body. 

Interestingly, the practice of drafting two-dimensional patterns comes from the tradition of male tailoring. In women’s dressmaking (also referred to historically as mantua making), tradeswomen would drape a mockup fabric or muslin directly on the clients body to form shapes of the garment rather than constructing a paper pattern first.1 The practice of draping is still in use today. Some fashion designers work exclusively with draping in the design stage, especially for custom pieces, whereas for mass production, the pattern would be translated into a two-dimensional paper pattern. 

After this short excursion into the history of pattern making practices, let’s take a look at the CLO3D interface and how it deals with the sewing pattern.

CLO by default has a workspace layout with two display windows next to each other – one for the avatar and the 3D representation of the garment, one for the 2D sewing pattern. 

In the 3D window, the pattern pieces can be arranged around the three-dimensional body of the avatar, making it easier to understand how the curves of the pattern correspond to the shapes of the body.  Arrangement points can be displayed on the 3D avatar, making the placement of individual pattern pieces easier. 

In the 2D window, the garment pieces are laid out flat and symmetrically arranged. When selected, pattern pieces in the 2D window are highlighted, as well as the corresponding garment piece in the 3D window. This is another immensely helpful feature that helps you understand how the two relate to each other. It is especially useful for more intricate and complicated pattern arrangements and elaborate pattern constructions that are not obviously easy to understand. 

Speaking from my own experience, the CLO arrangement makes it way easier to understand pattern drafting. However, it might be that because I already have the background knowledge of how pattern pieces work, I find it easier to understand the setup of the program than someone with no prior knowledge. But I think this way of learning pattern drafting, or at least using CLO or a similar digital fashion program along with traditional teaching methods to teach pattern drafting could be immensely helpful for people learning the skill.

1Abby Cox, „Alexander McQueen & The Patriarchy Problem in Modern Fashion“ October 20, 2023, online video, 9:58, https://youtube.com/watch?v=OVwhg8LZnlc. 

13 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Avatars, Body Representations and the Avatar Editor in CLO3D

In todays blogpost, I will discuss the preset avatar options and settings and the avatar editor in CLO3D. 

Preset Avatar options in CLO3D

The program comes with a set of preset avatars – male, female, adults and children. These preset avatars can be edited in different ways. CLO has presets for several aspects of the avatars, like hair, poses and several market standard sizing for US and European sizing models. This already offers a wide range of possibilities to design for a variety of body types.

In case you want to design for a particular body shape that is not covered by the preset options in CLO, the program also offers a very extensive avatar editor. In this editor, you can modify every relevant body measurement and create an avatar that responds precisely to your individual body. 

One aspect that is not covered in this editor are body configurations that are outside the able bodied norm (for example amputated limbs, curved spines due to scoliosis). However, CLO also allows you to import a custom avatar as well, which would allow users to cover these needs as well.

These functions cover an impressive range of needs. In fashion design, it is often challenging to design for a variety of body shapes, and being able to cover so many different shapes in a digital program can be an immense step towards more inclusive fashion design practices. 

In my personal experience, patterning and shaping garments for your own body can be a big challenge, as you can not drape on yourself well. Especially when it comes to marking alterations on the body in the muslin mockup patterning stage, you need another person to assist you when you are making clothes for yourself. There are options of making dress forms with your own measurements, but they tend to be very expensive and additionally, your body changes sometimes, so a dress form made five years ago might not correspond to your current body anymore. 

Digital avatars could be a great solution to this issue, as you can model them after your current body shape quite easily and make adjustments quickly if your body changes. 

The Avatar Editor in CLO3D

12 | Designing A Digital Fashion Garment – Getting Started

Today I am starting the journey to designing my first digital fashion garment. The very first step on this journey is – of course – installing the right 3D program. In a previous blog post, I discussed the two current industry standard programs – Marvelous Designer and CLO3D – and compared some of their advantages and disadvantages, their main applications and who primarily uses them for which areas of design. Based on that research and my own background in physical pattern drafting, sewing and traditional analog fashion design, I decided to work with CLO3D

The provider offers a student subscription plan as well as a 30 Day free trial which I am starting today (March 6th 2024).  

CLO3D has a very useful pool of learning resources, among them an expansive collection of video tutorials on their own YouTube channel. Their “Beginner’s Guide to CLO” playlist will be the first point of entry for me. I will follow the tutorials in order to get familiar with the basic steps of the program. 

The main interface is a little busy but well arranged and for users with previous experience of 3D programs, it can be quite intuitive. The user has the possibility to rearrange the setup and change the positions of tools and features. 

The Program also comes with some preset avatars, base garments, materials, accessories and patterns. They are a good way to get familiar with the basic functions. In my next blogpost, I will attempt to get started with the sewing functions of the program. 

11 | Introducing my Semester Project

Im my blogposts from last semester, I discussed several aspects of digital fashion. This semester, I am taking my research to the practical phase by creating my first own digital fashion garment.

The scope I am aiming for in this project is to test out the main features and tools of the software CLO3D, which I will use, find a serviceable workflow in terms of working with presets and base patterns, getting familiar with material libraries and especially, understanding the stitch options and draping features of my chosen software program. Ideally, I will be able to complete a full garment, including export and staging in a digital environment, within the free trial period of the software, which is 30 days. 

In my next blogpost, I will start my project by following the installation process of CLO3D, getting familiar with the layout and basic functions and exploring the asset library that comes with the program.

10 | Invisible Bodies – an Idiosyncratic Design Choice in Digital Fashion Design

Exploring the many creations under the keywords “Digital Fashion” currently presented on the internet, one quickly finds a common and peculiar reoccurring phenomenon. Virtual clothings flows through digital space, draping, behaving and moving in a way that suggests the presence of a body underneath the clothing. But there is no body depicted in the renderings. The world of digital fashion, it seems, is on its way to becoming a world without bodies. This has both interesting implications for the future, but also prompts examinations of the past of fashion design. The invisible walk cycles of digital fashion unintentionally provoke a discussion of one of fashion history’s most interesting tensions – the clothed body.

Bodies are a subject which has naturally been present throughout the history of fashion. Over the course of its evolution, the fashion industry has treated and impacted bodies in a multitude of ways. There have been phases of fashion history in which the body was the leading force, fashion designers aimed to flatter the body, respect its qualities and varieties and find a way to make garments that interplay with the body. The body was a part of the fashion system which could not be ignored or neglected. Similarly, fashion has also gone through phases of extreme body negation, attempting to fight against the natural qualities of the human body, forcing it into unnatural shapes. Especially in women’s fashion, the relation between garment and body has been a constant point of contention which in recent times, has arguably reached its peak. Despite the modern movements for body acceptance and inclusivity, fashion remains a space in which bodies are a constant source of conflict. 

It seems ironic, therefore, that in digital fashion, the body appears to lose its significance altogether. Garments can float through digital space without physical limitations. On one hand, this could be viewed as a bizarre but logical consequence of current efforts towards inclusivity and diversity. If the body is invisible, there is no need to worry about skin colour, size, age and physical condition. The body becomes merely a suggestion of form, a sort of draping guide for digital garments that escapes all the pitfalls that depicting a true to life figure would bring with it. 

On the other hand, this complete negation of the body suggests that in fashion, no semblance of a real physical body is “good enough” to do justice to the garment. The body is an obsolete instrument of fashion, a tool that the modern fashion aesthetic has finally managed to evolve away from. Either way of viewing this development towards invisible bodies in digital fashion brings with it a myriad of questions and discussion points that could be elaborated on in their own essays. Further developments of this trend will show if it is here to stay, or if visible bodies, no matter in which shape will make a return to digital fashion in the end.

Further reading:

Ana Neto & João Ferreira (2023) Lasting Bonds: Understanding Wearer-Clothing Relationships through Interpersonal Love-Theory, Fashion Theory, 27:5, 677-707, DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2023.2170706

Emma McClendon (2019) The Body: Fashion and Physique—A Curatorial Discussion, Fashion Theory, 23:2, 147-165, DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2019.1567057

Lucia Ruggerone (2017) The Feeling of Being Dressed: Affect Studies and the Clothed Body, Fashion Theory, 21:5, 573-593, DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2016.1253302

09 | Industry Standard Softwares for Digital Fashion Design

In the digital fashion design space, there are currently two softwares which are most frequently used specifically for the task of digital garment design. These two softwares are called CLO3D and Marvelous Designer. The following text will present some of the key differences and similarities of the two programs.

To begin with, both CLO3D and Marvelous Designer’s software platforms are owned by the same entity, which results in them being very similar in their foundational structure, with an overall quite substantial functional overlap.

A notable contrast between the two programs is the intended user base. CLO3D is posited as being more tailored for fashion designers, specifically people who already are familiar with fashion design and garment production processes, whereas Marvelous Designer is more aimed towards the gaming industry and 3D artists. Marvelous Designer is dominantly used in the entertainment industry, particularly in VFX, animation, movies, and video games, due to its capabilities in creating realistic virtual garments.

Overall, CLO3D contains a broader set of tools compared to Marvelous Designer, however, the differences in tool sets is mostly owed to project-specific requirements of the intended user base. The two programs also differ in their export capabilities. CLO3D provides enhanced options for exporting garments into the physical realm, catering to the needs of fashion designers who may require interactions with manufacturers. Additionally, CLO3D offers more compatibility with interactive formats, such as WebGL and augmented reality (AR), through the exportation of GLTF and GLB formats, a feature which is not available in Marvelous Designer.

One advantage of Marvelous Designer is its integration with the Adobe 3D asset platform Substance. This feature allows users to seamlessly import Substance textures directly into the program and work with them in creating garments. This feature is not yet available in CLO3D. CLO3D on the other hand, provides a built-in renderer, enabling users to render garments directly within the application, a convenience not found in Marvelous Designer. 

All of these technical details will be important for persons interested in creating digital garments with one of these programs. While they might seem like small differences on superficial examination, they might be the deciding factor for some digital artists in choosing either one or the other to work with. 

Apart from these small technical differences, CLO3D and Marvelous Designer also differ in a further important point – the pricing. In this category, CLO3D comes out slightly more expensive than Marvelous designer. 

In conclusion, fashion designers seeking real-world export capabilities will likely fare better overall with CLO3D, while 3D artists, particularly those using Blender, Cinema 4D, or similar programs, are likely to appreciate Marvellous Designer.


Marvelous Designer