XR 12.1 // New Start

I got so frustrated with Unity’s increasing restrictions and issues, I’ve decided to temporarily abandon my current prototype and shift to learning Unreal Engine. My goal for this semester is to create an interactive prototype using Unreal, starting with a sci-fi scene to grasp the basics, then adding interactivity through a smartphone or game controller. This change aims to leverage Unreal’s capabilities for more complex and visually stunning interactive and XR experiences.

XR 12 // Meta SDK

My first steps started by experimenting with Meta’s Quest Integration for Unity. Here’s a quick rundown of my journey and the challenges I faced.

Easy Setup for Quick Prototyping

The initial setup was straightforward and user-friendly. Meta provides a lot of built-in functionality, making it ideal for quick prototyping. Getting a basic project up and running took minimal effort, thanks to the clear setup guides.

Complications Arise with Advanced Features

However, as I moved beyond the basics, things became complicated. The documentation from Meta is often outdated or incomplete, making it difficult to implement more advanced features.

What I Built

I created a terrain with high-definition textures and added functionalities for teleporting (locomotion) and interacting with objects. The process involved using Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit, which, despite some confusing moments due to lacking documentation, helped achieve the desired interactions.

Performance Issues

A significant issue I encountered was performance. Despite the simplicity of my scene, I noticed major frame rate drops, falling below 38 fps. This highlighted the need for optimization, even in basic projects, to maintain a smooth VR experience.


#11 The struggle of choice

This blog post will be a bit different than my others. Instead of focusing on something I have specifically researched, I will just ramble on a bit and share my thoughts (also in preparation for the meeting with Birgt Bachler).

I know I should write more blog posts. Truth be told, it is not that I am not thinking about the master thesis/blog posts. Because I am – a lot. I could blame it on the tight schedule we have to face. But the reality is that it feels like I am avoiding it a little bit.

I sometimes worry that the „spark“ isn’t there for this topic/theme. That maybe I should change it? That I should find another, more „perfect“ topic. However, I also feel like these feelings may just come from feeling overwhelmed and confused. At this stage, I am not entirely sure how best to proceed.

My current topic or theme is VR therapy methods (for both physical and mental health problems). I originally chose this topic for a variety of reasons. For one, I have a personal connection to it – my brother used it and really enjoyed it after he had a car crash. In general, I feel like this healthcare topic is of great importance and value to society. It would be great if my work could help somebody. I also do find it very intriguing, and it interests me how this technology can be used.

I just find it hard to begin with this topic. I could build a Unity VR prototype, but about what exactly? Also, will it have any scientific basis? I worry that I might not be able to get into contact with a hospital. That I might not find anybody to test with. That it might be too much, too difficult.

I guess it’s normal to feel a little bit lost sometimes (it’s all part of the process after all) but I hope I can find a clearer structure soon, so I can really start giving it my all.

XR 11 // Exploring the Art of Creating Beautiful and Performant VR/MR Games on Standalone Headsets

Welcome to my journey into the fascinating world of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) game development! This semester, I’m diving deep into understanding how to create visually stunning and highly performant VR/MR games that can run smoothly on standalone headsets like the Oculus Quest 3. In this first blog entry, I’ll introduce you to my research topic, discuss the unique challenges developers face, and explore why VR games vary so much in visual fidelity and user experience.

Why Focus on Standalone VR/MR Headsets?

Standalone VR/MR headsets are revolutionizing the way we experience virtual environments. Unlike tethered headsets, which rely on powerful PCs or consoles, standalone devices like the Oculus Quest 2 offer untethered freedom and accessibility. This opens up VR to a broader audience, making it crucial for developers to optimize their games for these platforms. However, creating games that are both beautiful and performant on standalone headsets presents unique challenges.

The Challenge of Balancing Performance and Visual Fidelity:

VR/MR games differ significantly in visual fidelity and user experience due to a variety of factors. Here are some of the key reasons:

  1. Hardware Limitations:
    Standalone headsets have limited processing power and memory compared to high-end PCs. Developers must optimize their games to run smoothly within these constraints, which often means sacrificing some visual detail to maintain performance.
  2. Rendering Techniques:
    Advanced rendering techniques used in PC-based VR games, such as real-time ray tracing, are often too resource-intensive for standalone devices. Developers must rely on more efficient methods like Level of Detail (LOD) and texture compression to achieve good performance.
  3. Optimization Strategies:
    Effective optimization involves a mix of techniques, including occlusion culling (not rendering objects that are out of view), efficient shaders, and baked lighting (pre-computed lighting effects). These strategies help maintain high frame rates, which are crucial for a smooth VR experience.
  4. Art Style Choices:
    The choice of art style can significantly impact both performance and visual appeal. Stylized graphics with simplified textures and models can look great while being less demanding on the hardware, whereas hyper-realistic graphics require more resources and careful optimization.

Why Do VR Games Differ So Much in Visual Fidelity and User Experience?

The variance in visual fidelity and user experience across VR games can be attributed to several factors:

  • Developer Priorities: Some developers prioritize visual fidelity, creating stunning environments but potentially compromising on performance. Others focus on smooth performance, resulting in simpler visuals.
  • Budget and Resources: Indie developers might not have access to the same level of resources and optimization tools as large studios, leading to differences in game quality.
  • Target Audience: Games aimed at a broader audience might prioritize accessibility and comfort, opting for less intensive graphics to ensure smooth gameplay for everyone.
  • Technological Evolution: As standalone VR technology evolves, newer games can leverage more advanced features and optimizations, leading to disparities between older and newer titles.


As I embark on this research project, my goal is to uncover and document the best practices for balancing performance and aesthetics in standalone VR/MR games. Through a combination of literature review, case studies, and hands-on development, I aim to create a prototype game that demonstrates these principles in action. Stay tuned as I explore the technical and creative aspects of this exciting field, and share insights and discoveries along the way.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. In the next entry, I’ll delve into the initial research phase, exploring existing optimization techniques and visual enhancement strategies used in the industry. Let’s make VR/MR games not only playable but truly breathtaking!

09 | More than just buttons – Interactions and interfaces in VR, AR and MR experiences

What this blogpost is all about

Building upon my previous blogpost on immersive level design, this post also aims to explore the topic of immersion and interaction within VR, MR and AR a bit more by looking into different interface and interactivity solutions currently available, some previously mentioned already, some new, that may increase intuitiveness and engagement from the user. While also still covering AR and MR solutions, the main focus of this blog post will be on VR, as it is more in line with my future plans and planned research.

Different headsets, different controllers – HTC Vive Pro, Meta Quest 3 Pro, PS Move and Valve Index Pro (left to right)

Ultraleap’s 3Di, a small tracking camera for handtracking, comes with its own intergrated interface

Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller 2, a gesture tracking controller with a wide variety of applications

teslasuit – a full body haptic feeback suit, that also tracks movement and can be used for motion capture

Virtuix Omni One – a Omnidirectional treadmil developed for gaming in VR

  • Look further into different VR and MR solutions and their respective issues
  • Research essential tools for creating immersive virtual environments as well as different game engines and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Check methods of engagement and interaction within these digital environments
  • Look into accessibility and how to ensure it
  • Research into immersion and storytelling

1. Springer / Gabler.: Virtuelle Realität, in: Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, n.y.,
https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/virtuelle-realitaet-54243/ online in: https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/ [08.02.2024].
2. n.A.: Was ist Augmented Reality?, in: Omnia360, 2020, https://omnia360.de/blog/was-ist-augmented-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.A.: Mixed Reality: Wenn sich Reales und Virtuelles vermischt, in: Omnia360, 2023, https://omnia360.de/blog/mixed-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
4. n.a.: Extended Reality, in: RyteWiki, n.y., https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Extended_Reality, online in: https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Hauptseite [08.02.2024].
5. Hayden, S.: Vision Pro Teardown Shows Balancing Act Between Cutting Edge Tech & Weighty Design, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/apple-vision-pro-teardown-ifixit/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
6. Hayden, S.: Quest 3 Teardown Shows Just How Slim the Headset Really Is, in: ROADTOVR, 2023, https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-3-teardown-ifixit-repair/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
7. Hayden, S.: Vive Ultimate Tracker Gets Beta Support for Third-Party PC VR Headsets, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/vive-ultimate-tracker-quest-index-pico/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
8. n.a.: What to Watch: February 2024 Highlights, n: Meta Quest-Blog, 2024, https://www.meta.com/de-de/blog/quest/what-to-watch-free-meta-quest-tv-vr-film, online in: https://www.meta.com/at/ [08.02.2024].
9. CGV Channel: TU Graz Virtual Reality Cave, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeTHlAZtlAI [08.02.2024].

08 | Designing realities beyond screens – World building and immersive level design in VR, AR and MR

What this blogpost is all about

To better understand, how to design immersive and engaging experiences in VR, AR and MR, and building on the previous post about issues and how to solve them, it is necessary to understand the importance of world building and level design on the overall experience. As such, this blog-post aims to provide a short overview on different considerations to be aware of, when dealing with the challenge of creating an immersive experience for VR, AR and MR. Same as with my previous post, however, I would like to dive even deeper into immersive world building and continue my research, so this entry is only a momentary summary and my research into this topic – especially since I plan to eventually read all of Richard A. Bartle’s „Designing Virtual Worlds“ – is still incomplete.

Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda

  • Look into interfaces unique to VR, AR and MR
  • Check how interaction with VR, AR and MR may work
  • Research how to boost engagement and create intuitive interactions
  • Research into immersion and storytelling

1. Bartle, R.A.: Designing Virtual Worlds, New Rider, 2003, ISBN: 978-0-1310-18167.
2. Matsuda, K.: Hyper-Reality, online in: http://hyper-reality.co/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.a.: VR Design Principles, online in: https://viro-community.readme.io/docs/vr-design-principles [08.02.2024].

07 | Beyond the virtual: Motion sickness and other accessibility problems when navigating the virtual realm

What this blogpost is all about

Continuing the notion of my previous blogpost of understanding VR, AR, MR and XR along with their strengths and weaknesses, this post aims to also provide insight into the different problems one may be confronted with when designing for or engaging with these technologies on the regular and how to best solve them. At this point, it is necessary to mention already, that, while this blogpost will provide a broad overview about the different challenges one may face along with some possible solutions, it is in no way a complete guide yet, as my research into this topic is still ongoing and thus, incomplete.

HaptX haptic feedback gloves

Sony’s accessability controller, compatible with the new PS5 and PS VR

  • Look into immersive environments and how to create then
  • Check methods of engagement and interaction within these digital environments
  • Research into immersion and storytelling
  • Look into interactivity in VR, AR and MR
  • Check interaction solutions for VR, AR and MR

1. Creed, C., Al-Kalbani, M., Theil, A. et al. Inclusive AR/VR: accessibility barriers for immersive technologies. Univ Access Inf Soc (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-023-00969-0 online in: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2304/2304.13465.pdf [08.02.2024].
2. n.A.: Why VR (& VR Headsets) Can Cause Serious Eye Strain & Pain, in: NVision, 2023, https://www.nvisioncenters.com/education/vr-and-eye-strain/, online in: https://www.nvisioncenters.com/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.A.: XR Today’s Guide to Stopping VR Motion Sickness, in: XR Today, 2023, https://www.xrtoday.com/mixed-reality/xr-todays-guide-to-stopping-vr-motion-sickness/, online in: https://www.xrtoday.com/ [08.02.2024].
4. n.a.: VR Design Principles, online in: https://viro-community.readme.io/docs/vr-design-principles [08.02.2024].

06 | VR, AR, MR, XR – Exploring the future of extended reality and its technologies

What this blogpost is all about

To explore one of my possible research topics further, this blogpost will look into the strengths and weaknesses of virtual, augmented, mixed and extended reality systems as well as their exact definitions and current technological trends, to gain a better understanding of which system / technology to use in future endeavors when going for different experiences.

  • Offers a completely immersive experience, perfect for training, gaming and simulations
  • Can easily create spaces, that are not accessible normally and / or provide space where normally there would be none
  • Can be used in healthcare, especially in therapeutic applications, to provide immersive therapy, exposure therapy, pain management and rehabilitation
  • Isolation from real world may cause emotional distress (solitude)
  • Needs special equipment, that may be costly and / or not readily available
  • Real world information overlay, that relays information in real-time and provides additional input
  • Allows for hands-free interaction, which allows the user to engage the digital content while also staying aware in the real world
  • Useful for product visualisation and trying out products before making a buying decision
  • Limited field of view, especially on smartphone screens or tablets
  • Mobile dependency means less computing power, limiting display performance and causes need for optimisation
  • A high level of versatility, as it combines both VR and AR, it allows for a broader range of experiences to be created
  • Enables both in-room and virtual connection, communication and collaboration
  • Can, same as VR, be used in a wide variety of industries for training purposes, while also allowing for direct testing in the real world in AR
  • Different technologies and their implementation can cause performance and optimisation issues, posing technical difficulties
  • Cost of adaption currently still very high, especially when compared to pure VR or AR solutions

HTC recently presented their new inside-out tracker, that would allow for inbuilt-tracking on a multitude of existing 3rd party headsets

Both the Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest 3 offer hybrid solutions when it comes to VR and AR.

  • Look further into different XR solutions and their respective issues
  • Research essential tools for creating immersive virtual environments
  • Check methods of engagement and interaction within these digital environments
  • Look into accessibility and how to ensure it
  • Research into immersion and storytelling

1. Springer / Gabler.: Virtuelle Realität, in: Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, n.y.,
https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/virtuelle-realitaet-54243/ online in: https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/ [08.02.2024].
2. n.A.: Was ist Augmented Reality?, in: Omnia360, 2020, https://omnia360.de/blog/was-ist-augmented-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.A.: Mixed Reality: Wenn sich Reales und Virtuelles vermischt, in: Omnia360, 2023, https://omnia360.de/blog/mixed-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
4. n.a.: Extended Reality, in: RyteWiki, n.y., https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Extended_Reality, online in: https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Hauptseite [08.02.2024].
5. Hayden, S.: Vision Pro Teardown Shows Balancing Act Between Cutting Edge Tech & Weighty Design, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/apple-vision-pro-teardown-ifixit/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
6. Hayden, S.: Quest 3 Teardown Shows Just How Slim the Headset Really Is, in: ROADTOVR, 2023, https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-3-teardown-ifixit-repair/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
7. Hayden, S.: Vive Ultimate Tracker Gets Beta Support for Third-Party PC VR Headsets, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/vive-ultimate-tracker-quest-index-pico/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
8. n.a.: What to Watch: February 2024 Highlights, n: Meta Quest-Blog, 2024, https://www.meta.com/de-de/blog/quest/what-to-watch-free-meta-quest-tv-vr-film, online in: https://www.meta.com/at/ [08.02.2024]

XR 10 // Wrap up

As we close the chapter on a semester filled with extensive learning about Extended Reality (XR), it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the ground we’ve covered and to anticipate the exciting journey ahead. Our exploration has spanned a diverse range of topics, each offering a unique perspective on the rapidly evolving world of XR.

  1. XR 1// Evolving Interaction and Experiences in XR: I began this journey by delving into the dynamic world of XR interactions, examining how they’ve transformed over time and what the future holds.
  2. XR 2 // The Evolution and Current Landscape of Extended Reality: This post offered a comprehensive view of XR’s growth trajectory and its current state, setting the stage for this subsequent deep dives.
  3. XR 3 // VR Interactions: Controller vs Body Tracking: A detailed comparison between controller-based and body-tracking interfaces in VR, highlighting their unique advantages and potential applications.
  4. XR 4 // Enhancing Virtual Reality: The Power of Haptic Feedback: I explored the sensory dimension of VR, focusing on how haptic feedback intensifies the immersive experience.
  5. XR 5 // Interesting Case Study: HoloStudio UI and Interaction Design by Microsoft: This case study provided insights into practical applications of XR, emphasizing user interface and interaction design.
  6. XR 6 // UX in Mixed Reality: I discussed the intricacies of user experience design in the mixed reality spectrum, emphasizing its importance in creating engaging and intuitive applications.
  7. XR 7 // Dive into Vision OS Guidelines: This post was dedicated to understanding the best practices and guidelines in designing for XR platforms, particularly the Vision OS.
  8. XR 8 // Beyond Gaming: XR in the Entertainment Industry: I expanded our view to see how XR is revolutionizing the broader entertainment sector, beyond just gaming.
  9. XR 9 // XR in the Military Complex: My exploration concluded with an examination of XR’s applications in military training and strategy, showcasing its diverse utility.

What now?

Last semester’s curriculum primarily revolved around theoretical aspects. For the upcoming semester, I aim to adopt a more practical approach towards the subject. This will involve actively engaging with various XR applications and models for comparative analysis and learning. Additionally, I plan to implement the concepts learned in my own projects and create case studies for them.

XR 9 // XR in the Military Complex

In this semester’s research project, I explored various facets of Extended Reality (XR). Today, let’s delve into a lesser-discussed but significant aspect: the role of XR in the military defense complex. Notably, the military sector is one of the leading investors and developers in this technology.

Training with Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality (MR), blending elements of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), has revolutionized military training. Historically, MR applications like the Swiss tank-driving simulator from the 1970s laid the groundwork for today’s sophisticated systems.

One prominent example is the U.S. Army’s Synthetic Training Environment (STE). This advanced system merges virtual and augmented reality to simulate a wide range of scenarios, from urban warfare to counterinsurgency operations, thus providing immersive training experiences. The STE is a comprehensive platform integrating virtual, live, and collective training elements, designed to be portable and cost-effective. It includes the Reconfigurable Virtual Collective Trainer (RVCT), which offers training for various military vehicles and infantry units​​​​.

Mixed Reality in Combat

MR’s role extends beyond training to actual combat operations. It significantly enhances situational awareness by providing soldiers with real-time information through contextually relevant visualizations. This includes displaying crucial data like maps, navigation, and enemy locations seamlessly.

Soldiers training with Microsoft’s IVAS

A key development in this area is the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), a collaborative effort between Microsoft and the U.S. Army. Based on Microsoft’s HoloLens technology, IVAS delivers advanced capabilities such as rapid target acquisition, enhanced situational awareness, and improved navigational tools. It integrates various technologies like thermal imagery, sensors, GPS, and night vision to give soldiers a comprehensive view of the battlefield. This technology is not only pivotal for training but also holds immense potential for real-world combat operations, allowing soldiers to plan and execute missions with enhanced precision and information​​​​.

Support Functions

MR’s applications in the military also extend to support functions. It can transform maintenance and repair processes by overlaying relevant instructions onto real-world objects, aiding technicians and mechanics in performing tasks more efficiently.

In medical support and telemedicine, MR can overlay digital content such as instructions and patient data, facilitating accurate and efficient medical procedures in challenging environments.


MR technology is a game-changer in military applications, enhancing various aspects of operations. While it offers immense benefits in training, situational awareness, and support functions, there are challenges to consider. For instance, overreliance on technology can lead to operational inefficiencies if not managed properly. The concept of „HUD-Cripple,“ prevalent among Navy aviators, highlights the risk of becoming overly dependent on technological aids to the extent that performance without them is significantly impaired.

Moreover, the use of MR in combat situations introduces ethical dilemmas around warfare conduct. The enhanced capabilities provided by MR could lead to debates about the fairness and humanitarian implications of using such advanced technology in conflicts. This necessitates a balance between technological advancement and adherence to international warfare norms and ethics.

The responsibility of XR designers and developers in this context is profound. They must not only focus on the technical and functional aspects of MR systems but also consider their broader societal implications. This includes ensuring that the technology is used responsibly and in accordance with ethical standards. Designers and developers need to collaborate closely with military experts, ethicists, and psychologists to understand the full spectrum of impacts their creations might have. Furthermore, there should be ongoing assessment and adjustment of these technologies to align with evolving ethical standards and societal values.

As we venture further into this technologically advanced era, the responsibility of XR professionals extends beyond innovation, encompassing the ethical stewardship of their creations in the complex domain of military applications.
