09 | More than just buttons – Interactions and interfaces in VR, AR and MR experiences

What this blogpost is all about

Building upon my previous blogpost on immersive level design, this post also aims to explore the topic of immersion and interaction within VR, MR and AR a bit more by looking into different interface and interactivity solutions currently available, some previously mentioned already, some new, that may increase intuitiveness and engagement from the user. While also still covering AR and MR solutions, the main focus of this blog post will be on VR, as it is more in line with my future plans and planned research.

Different headsets, different controllers – HTC Vive Pro, Meta Quest 3 Pro, PS Move and Valve Index Pro (left to right)

Ultraleap’s 3Di, a small tracking camera for handtracking, comes with its own intergrated interface

Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller 2, a gesture tracking controller with a wide variety of applications

teslasuit – a full body haptic feeback suit, that also tracks movement and can be used for motion capture

Virtuix Omni One – a Omnidirectional treadmil developed for gaming in VR

  • Look further into different VR and MR solutions and their respective issues
  • Research essential tools for creating immersive virtual environments as well as different game engines and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Check methods of engagement and interaction within these digital environments
  • Look into accessibility and how to ensure it
  • Research into immersion and storytelling

1. Springer / Gabler.: Virtuelle Realität, in: Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, n.y.,
https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/virtuelle-realitaet-54243/ online in: https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/ [08.02.2024].
2. n.A.: Was ist Augmented Reality?, in: Omnia360, 2020, https://omnia360.de/blog/was-ist-augmented-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.A.: Mixed Reality: Wenn sich Reales und Virtuelles vermischt, in: Omnia360, 2023, https://omnia360.de/blog/mixed-reality/, online in: https://omnia360.de/ [08.02.2024].
4. n.a.: Extended Reality, in: RyteWiki, n.y., https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Extended_Reality, online in: https://de.ryte.com/wiki/Hauptseite [08.02.2024].
5. Hayden, S.: Vision Pro Teardown Shows Balancing Act Between Cutting Edge Tech & Weighty Design, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/apple-vision-pro-teardown-ifixit/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
6. Hayden, S.: Quest 3 Teardown Shows Just How Slim the Headset Really Is, in: ROADTOVR, 2023, https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-3-teardown-ifixit-repair/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
7. Hayden, S.: Vive Ultimate Tracker Gets Beta Support for Third-Party PC VR Headsets, in: ROADTOVR, 2024, https://www.roadtovr.com/vive-ultimate-tracker-quest-index-pico/, online in: https://www.roadtovr.com/ [08.02.2024].
8. n.a.: What to Watch: February 2024 Highlights, n: Meta Quest-Blog, 2024, https://www.meta.com/de-de/blog/quest/what-to-watch-free-meta-quest-tv-vr-film, online in: https://www.meta.com/at/ [08.02.2024].
9. CGV Channel: TU Graz Virtual Reality Cave, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeTHlAZtlAI [08.02.2024].

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