For three magical nights, from October 24 to 26, 2024, Klanglicht transformed Graz into a city of light, sound, and dreams. This year’s festival theme embraced the concept of dreams—those mysterious journeys of the mind that take us to hidden desires, profound longings, and fleeting utopias, both day and night. Through 18 unique art installations, renowned artists from Austria and around the world presented interpretations of dreams, each piece inviting visitors to enter their own inner landscapes.
Klanglicht 2024’s artworks ranged from the poetic and subtle to the surreal and powerful, weaving a tapestry of light and sound that filled the streets, courtyards, and buildings of Graz. From the Joanneum Quarter, up to the Schlossberg, along Herrengasse, and within venues like Schauspielhaus Graz, Next Liberty, and the Graz Opera House, the city itself became a dreamscape. For those three nights, Klanglicht invited the audience to dive into a dialogue with art and their own imaginations—a reminder to keep dreaming, if only for a moment.
As a communication designer, I had the unique opportunity to contribute to this year’s Klanglicht experience. Alongside three other designers, I was part of the design team that created the wayfinding system for one of Klanglicht’s most atmospheric venues: the Antonius Church. Our work included posters, postcards, and directional signs that helped guide visitors through the space, adding a layer of clarity to their dreamlike experience. It was incredible to see how these design elements played a role in shaping people’s journey through the installations, allowing them to focus on the art while feeling oriented and welcomed.
Since its founding in 2015, Klanglicht, organized by Bühnen Graz, has brought the magic of light and sound out of the theater and into public spaces. This year’s edition continued that tradition, blending elements of joy, critique, allure, and abstraction, offering a kaleidoscope of emotions and ideas. For me, being involved in the design process added a whole new dimension to experiencing the festival. It was fulfilling to see our work as part of this stunning event and to witness the impact of art on people as they journeyed through Klanglicht’s dreamworld.
If you missed it this year, I can only recommend marking your calendar for next October. Klanglicht 2024 was truly unforgettable—a festival that encourages us all to keep dreaming, both in and beyond the light and sound of Graz.