Minerals are inorganic elements that are essential for various vital functions in the human body. They are divided into two main categories: Bulk elements and trace elements.
Bulk elements:
These minerals are required in large quantities and play a crucial role in basic physiological processes. Bulk elements include:
- Calcium (Ca):
Important for bone formation, blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve conduction. - Phosphorus (P):
Main component of bones and teeth, involved in energy metabolism. - Magnesium (Mg):
Required for muscle and nerve function, energy production and bone health. - Sodium (Na):
Regulates the water balance, supports nerve and muscle activity. - Potassium (K):
Important for electrolyte balance, nerve and muscle activity, blood pressure regulation. - Chloride (Cl):
Contributes to acid-base balance and the formation of stomach acid.
Trace elements:
These minerals are needed in smaller quantities, but are just as important for health. Trace elements include:
- Iron (Fe):
Necessary for oxygen transportation in the blood and energy metabolism. - Zinc (Zn):
Supports the immune system, wound healing, reproduction and metabolism. - Copper (Cu):
Involved in the formation of red blood cells, collagen and iron metabolism. - Iodine (I):
Important for thyroid function and the production of thyroid hormones. - Manganese (Mn):
Contributes to bone metabolism, protein and fat metabolism. - Selenium (Se):
Functions as an antioxidant, supports the immune system and thyroid function.
The intake of sufficient amounts of minerals through a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining health and preventing deficiency symptoms. An imbalance can lead to various health problems.
- Calcium
- https://www.gesundheitsinformation.de/glossar/kalzium.html#:~:text=Kalzium%20ist%20ein%20f%C3%BCr%20den,Milchprodukten%20und%20gr%C3%BCnem%20Blattgem%C3%BCse%20enthalten.
- https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/leben/ernaehrung/vitamine-mineralstoffe/mengenelemente/calcium.html
- https://www.mein-magnesium.de/vitamine-mineralstoffe
- Kalium
- https://www.internisten-im-netz.de/mediathek/blutbild-erklaerung/kalium.html#:~:text=Kalium%20ist%20an%20vielen%20elektrischen,Mensch%20etwa%202%20Gramm%20Kalium.
- https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/leben/ernaehrung/vitamine-mineralstoffe/mengenelemente/kalium.html
- https://www.msdmanuals.com/de/heim/hormon-und-stoffwechselerkrankungen/elektrolythaushalt/%C3%BCberblick-%C3%BCber-die-funktion-von-kalium-im-k%C3%B6rper
- Phosphor
- Magnesium
- https://www.dge.de/wissenschaft/referenzwerte/magnesium/#:~:text=Magnesium%20ist%20ein%20lebensnotwendiger%20Mineralstoff,biochemischer%20Reaktionen%20und%20zellul%C3%A4rer%20Funktionen.
- https://www.apothekerkammer.at/infothek/informationen-aus-meinem-bundesland/kaernten/aktuelle-themen/gesundheitstipps/vitamine-und-naehrstoffe
- https://clever-fit-aubing.de/was-du-alles-ueber-vitamine-und-mineralien-wissen-solltest/#:~:text=Der%20Unterschied%20zwischen%20Vitaminen%20und,behalten%20ihre%20chemische%20Struktur%20bei.
- https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/projekt-klartext-nem/vitamine-und-mineralstoffe-wie-laesst-sich-ein-naehrstoffmangel-feststellen-80117
- https://www.mein-magnesium.de/vitamine-mineralstoffe
- Natrium
- Chlor
- Schwefel
- Chrom
- Eisen
- Jod
- Zink
- Kupfer
- Selen
- Molybdän
- Mangan