Color models #2

RGB system (light colors):
In the RGB system, colors are defined by their proportions of red, green and blue. White is created by adding these color values (all to 255), black by zero. With 256 levels per color value, the system enables the definition of over 16 million colors.

CMYK system:
The CMYK system is based on the primary colors cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The color values are between 0% and 100%. No color corresponds to 0%, while 100% represents the maximum amount of color. Black is achieved by mixing 100% CMY or pure black.

HSB system:
In the HSB system, hue, saturation and brightness are defined. The hue lies between 0° and 360° on the color wheel. Saturation describes purity and luminosity (0% for light gray, 100% for saturated colors). Brightness indicates the black opacity, from 0% (black) to 100% (saturated color).

Ähnlich dem HSB-System definiert das HSL-System Farbton, Sättigung und Farbhelligkeit. Es ist eng mit dem HSB-System verwandt.

Lab system:
Lab colors are device-independent and are defined by luminance, a-component (green to red) and b-component (blue to yellow). White has a luminance of 100, black of 0. The color components range from -128 to 127. A gray is created with both color values = 0.

Pantone system:
Pantone is a professional tool for the printing sector with over 3000 process colors as CMYK combinations. The „Pantone Matching System“ offers 1114 spot colors, which also include brightening and clouding after black.

HKS system:
The HKS system is a standard for spot colors with 120 solid colors, similar to the Pantone Matching System. It uses color fans and color charts for color definition.

RAL system:
RAL colors are marketed by RAL gGmbH under „RAL Classic“ and „RAL Design“. With 1898 shades, it is a standard in construction technology, each color has a four-digit number. The name is derived from the Reichs-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen, founded in 1925 to rationalize the German economy.


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