Final Prototype Video

To wrap up the two semesters, I want to repeat the defined problem statement and aim for this project.

Problem statement

Absence of social community and musical experimentation makes it challenging for young musicians to maintain motivation.


Inspire and encourage musicians to improvise and play by ear.

The product can be used as:

  1. An education tool to compliment classical training
  2. A fun game for sharing musical exploration with friends

Key phases of development

Research phase

  • Reading about the topic
  • Analyzing existing solutions
  • Looking into other disciplines
  • Conducting interviews

Design phase

  • Early stage prototypes
  • Structuring of problems
  • Defining problem statement
  • Defining concept and aim
  • Creating technical prototype
  • Conducting user tests
  • Creating visual prototype

It has been exiting to work with this project. I have gained valuable insight within the field, and learned how I can research and develop prototypes in an effective manner. It has been challenging to work alone, but it also made me more aware of my own workflow and how I perform best. As the topic music education is within the field of my interest, I have been inspired all the way to create a concept that makes a difference.