Evaluation of Master’s Thesis

Evaluation of Master’s Thesis related to own research area ( UX, Eye tracking, User testing, improving conversion rates)

Title: The Role of Visual Attention and Eye Movements in Product Purchases on Websites
Author: Tommaso Ceroni
University: Utrecht University, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Master’s Degree Course: Applied Cognitive Psychology

  1. Level of Design: The design is straightforward and effective but lacks creativity and complexity, which might have added interest or depth to the reader. The structure is clear and has predictable composition which may feel overly simplistic and even a bit dry for readers familiar with the field. The design quality could be significantly enhanced by incorporating more detailed schemes and sketches, which could increase its visual appeal.
  2. Degree of Innovation: The research is original to the extent that it goes further with how visual attention and decision making has been researched previously by looking at e-commerce situations. Nevertheless, the contribution could be increased by including different consumer characteristics (for example: how used they are to shopping online) or by manipulating other web page elements beyond product labels.
  3. Independence: The thesis shows a high level of of independence, as the author has designed the study, collected data, analyzed results, and interpreted findings. The author demonstrates the ability to manage the research process and and make reasoned deductions from the results obtained.
  4. Outline and Structure: The thesis is well-organized and follows a clear, logical structure. It includes all essential sections (introduction, methods, results, discussion) and maintains coherence throughout, and there is no inconsistency that would make it difficult to follow the content.
  5. Degree of Communication: The author communicates ideas effectively, with clarity in the description of methods and findings. Pertaining to the relationship of cognitive psychology to eye tracking, relevant concepts are well covered, however some terminologies used in this area (i.e. fixation duration, AOI) might require more explanations and/or pictures.
  6. Scope of the Work: The study scope is appropriate for a master’s thesis, focusing on a specific aspect of consumer behavior through a manageable experiment. In as much as the sample is rather small, the research scope is in harmony with the goals of the project and provides relevant information.
  7. Orthography and Accuracy: The thesis has a few minor grammatical errors. Despite these minor issues, the thesis demonstrates overall good orthographic standards and accuracy.
  8. Literature: The author draws on a strong foundation of relevant literature, particularly focusing on studies related to eye-tracking, attention, and decision-making. The references are appropriate and support the research questions, although including more recent studies on e-commerce or consumer behavior would strengthen the review.

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