UX Workshop with E1, 15.10.2024

About the Event

In unserem UX Workshop mit E1 hatten wir drei verschiedene Themen zur Auswahl. Nachdem wir uns in Kleingruppen für ein Thema entschieden hatten, durften wir an unseren Themen arbeiten. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Designmethoden erarbeiteten wir unterschiedliche Lösungen für die gestellten Designprobleme.

Bei unserem Thema ging es darum, dass der Installationsprozess von Solaranlagen für den Kunden kompliziert und undurchsichtig ist. Teilweise müssen die Kunden bis zu 3 Monate warten, ohne zu wissen warum. Ziel des Workshops war es daher, eine Lösung zu entwickeln, diesen Prozess transparenter zu gestalten.


Our approach is therefore to develop a diagram that makes it clear from the very first contact between the customer and E1 which steps are necessary both directly at the customer’s premises and in the background in order to install a solar system. In addition to a diagram, an explanatory video or a podcast would also be conceivable, with which the details can be visualized and explained even better, so that as few questions as possible remain unanswered for the customer from the outset.

We also want to optimize communication with the customer by automatically informing them by e-mail as soon as a new step begins. Conversely, if the customer needs to contact E1, it should be as easy as possible for them to get in touch with support. The scheme described above should take the customer directly to the right contact person. They can either use a button to contact the right person or report a problem online.

In summary, we want to optimize the entire customer communication process to such an extent that the customer no longer sees the need to contact support, as they no longer have any unanswered questions. The only source of information should be the website/web app, which everyone involved can access, keeping communication and support as simple as possible.

Reflection/ Key Takeaways

The most exciting thing about this workshop for me was to see once again how much you can achieve in such a short time. Apart from that, I also found it exciting to see how different the results of the individual groups were, despite the fact that we were all given very similar starting situations. This shows me once again how differently each and every one of us thinks and how important it is to exchange ideas and visions in a team. This is particularly important in the design process, as you can build on each other’s ideas and find solutions by combining the ideas of everyone involved that you would never have seen as an individual.

Another exciting point for me was to see what came out of the visualization of our ideas. We had already talked about our ideas for a few hours, but when it came to recording them, we were amazed to realize that we all had different “pictures” in our heads. This showed me once again how important prototypes are to make sure that everyone is on the same page and really talking about the same thing.

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Impact on my Thesis

My takeaway from this workshop for my thesis is that more than one person is often useful for the design process. Many design methods simply don’t work alone. Since I will be writing my thesis alone, it would therefore be worth considering getting feedback from fellow students from time to time and/or organizing small group-internal “workshops” in which everyone can bring their current problem and then try to find a solution together.


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