I have continued with the development of my graphics from hand drawn to to digital, and also in the process refined them and worked on making them clearer for the end-user. The final iteration of the second graphic can be seen below.

I have worked on making it a bit more organized, and also added some more information. Below you can see the previous hand drawn iteration.

The two graphics i have finished so far are mainly about tasks and workflow, but as designer we also now that our stakeholders and users are important to understand for a project to be successful. I therefore also made a graphic for who might be considered the key users in a musical festival.

This was the first hand drawn version that you could see a couple of posts ago, this is the one that was the most refined, so it is also the one with the least changes between the hand drawn and digital version.

The main differences are that the digital version is a bit “cleaner” and therefore easier to read. This one can also be viewed as an example of how it can look, but should be adapted to every unique festival. There are definitely some things that can be universal, but overall a festival should generate take these graphics and make them their own.