In summary, I explored various topics, conducted two surveys, and facilitated an experimental and provocative poster workshop. These activities have gradually guided me towards a clearer direction for my final topic. Initially, I started broadly with the concept of how to communicate animal and environmental welfare and the impact of disturbing images. Through my research and the first survey, I identified a significant issue: the exposure of very young people to inappropriate ads and campaigns on social media, which can negatively affect their development. This realization prompted me to focus on the younger generation.
I believe it is essential to equip children with the right tools and discuss important topics early on, as they are the adults of tomorrow. However, it is crucial to communicate these topics appropriately.
Given my passion for art and illustration, I see potential in combining this topic with my creative skills. I am not yet fixed on a specific end product, as this will depend on further in-depth research. Potential outcomes could include a picture book or a large mural.
There is an opportunity to collaborate with schools and develop a significant project that may have a more substantial impact than initially anticipated. I am also considering partnerships with pet shelters or similar organizations to facilitate easier adoption or general promotion. Focusing on our regional wildlife and nature could be a great approach as well.
Over the next few weeks, I will continue to explore and refine the topic to prepare for in-depth work in the upcoming semester. I am excited about this project, as the topic is very important to me and to society as a whole. Effective and fair communication is crucial when discussing such subjects. Many people form strong opinions based on well-promoted social media content without conducting their own research. Therefore, it is vital to convey the truth and encourage critical thinking. Communication design and illustration are valuable tools for designing impactful messages for the public.