This survey explores how the incorporation of textures and analog imperfections influences the appeal and emotional impact of digital designs. You’ll be shown pairs of designs—one with analog elements and one without—and asked to share your thoughts and preferences.
Up until now nine people participated in this survey. This included people from the design field, as well as people who are just interested in design, or people who have nothing to do with design.
18-24: 55,6%
25-34: 33,3%
55-64: 11,1%

Female: 77,8%
Male: 22,2%

Do you have anything to do with design?
Yes, I am a design student: 66,7%
Yes, I am working in the design field: 22,2%
No, but I have an interest in design: 22,2%
No, I don’t have anything to with design: 11,1%

Which design field are you involved / interested in? (multiple answers possible)
Graphic Design: 6 votes
Web Design: 2 votes
UX/UI: 1 vote
Illustration: 4 votes
Motion Graphics: 1 vote
Packaging Design : 2 votes
Typography: 2 votes
Brand ad identity design: 3 votes
None of the above: 1 vote

Do you use textures in your designs? If yes, why do you do it / what do you want to achieve by it?
„no“: 33,3%
„no, I don’t design“: 11,1%
„Hardly no, looks often a bit crafty“: 11,1%
„yes, because it creates depth and structure“: 11,1%
„yes, it can uplift something boring and make it more interesting“: 11,1%
„yes, to give designs personal touch and balance the digital perfection“: 11,1%
„yes, it often brings digital designs to life somehow“: 11,1%

What do you think is the benefit of implementing textures / imperfections in design?
Enhancing Visual Appeal: 77,8%
Giving Context: 11,1%
Emotional Connection: 22,2%
Warmth and Personailty: 33,3%
Make it look more realistic: 22,2%
Narrative and Storytelling: 33,3%
Mood and Atmosphere: 66,7%
There is no benefit: 0%

1/2: Which of the posters do you prefer, and why?
Option 1: 44,4%
(one person wrote „option 1 is my fave, it is clearer and more minimalist“)
Option 2: 33,3%

2/2: Which of the posters do you prefer, and why?
Option 1: 22,2%
Option 2: 77,8%

1/3: What emotions each texture makes you feel? You can also describe what they remind you off / where you think they could be applied etc… (9 Answers):
- Clumsy
- Applied for poster design, rough look, cold
- Reminds me of everyday life:)
- Calmness, but somehow it triggers me that it is not symmetrical
- Preperation for exams or presentations (cheat sheet)
- Bedcover, sleeping, dreaming / used / space
- Bad handling of paper (not on purpose)
- Handmade aspect
- A poster or flyer, it makes me think of a poster on the street or on a public transport somehow as if someone left it there or lost it
2/3: What emotions each texture makes you feel? You can also describe what they remind you off / where you think they could be applied etc… (9 Answers):
- Angry
- Crumbly, natural, warmth
- Like the contrast looks interesting
- Freshness, reminds me of baking, maybe because of the color? could be nicely used for a project with food
- Frustration
- Landscape, aged, light and shadow, in motion, birds perspective, airy
- Texture vibe (on purpose)
- Very rough, edgy
- That’s too much texture for my taste, idk where i would use it, but it reminds me of a bakery bag the one you your sandwich comes in
3/3: What emotions each texture makes you feel? You can also describe what they remind you off / where you think they could be applied etc… (9 Answers):
- Bubbly soft feeling
- Cold, modern, edgy, glossy
- Almost has a wet look, futuristic
- Curious, because it is „wrapped“ / „packed“
- Awaiting a package
- Artificial, slippery, don‘t like it
- Modern
- In context of Clima crisis
- Maybe also for a poster or for a flyer, it looks packaged and has more of an „industrial“ vibe if that makes sense