I have continued working on the potential supporting graphics this week, primarily to have something that is more testable. And also try and work with the presentation of information so that i requires less previous knowledge of design thinking. I think the double diamond is for a designer incredibly self explanatory, but that is not the case for everyone else.
I started with splitting the double diamond into two separate graphics, to also make it easier to work with one at the time, and tried to make the headlines show the order in which the documents work. I then collected all the potential questions that should be answered in the middle section, and tried to show how they altogether become the overall concept

The second double diamond that is more about developing the concept, and for a festival that would be all the actual organizational challenges of planning. The first quick sketch is the one below, however i decided that this was a bit chaotic way of presenting it.

The next iteration of the planning and development stage, and what should be done in this stage can be seen below. I think this one ended up being more organized and clearer to follow. The next step will be to refine these prototypes even more so they are vectorized and easier to work with.