This week I have spent trying to refine the two potential aids from last week. They are still hand drawn, but I have worked on refining the content and making them more testable. The first graphic is the classic double diamond, but with suggestions of which activities should actually be included in the phases, so that it is easier to use for people with no background in design thinking.
The concept phase is where someone developing a new festival should be thinking of the higher level and more conceptual goals and reasonings. Why is this festival unique and should be made? What is our community and environmental impact and goals? New festivals should have clear set of guidelines and values for the actual development if they want to be successful long term.
The second graphic I have made is more a guide of who the main stakeholders in a festival are, and how they interact with each other. Here I have included location as a stakeholder, which might be a bit strange, but from my research festivals that work well within the environment they are placed are often successful. A location brings a set of unique opportunities and challenges, and using these two enhance the experience for users makes great festivals.
I also wanted to highlight the local impact of the three key stakeholders as a consideration that must always be included when making decisions. How a festival can give back to the community they are placed in, and how they positively or negatively impact locals and businesses through the actual festivals can be key for a festivals success