17 | Ideation 2

In this blogpost, I will pick up where I left off and introduce two new concepts.

Sustainability score on shoes. Inspired by the Exhibition Design Trend workshop in the International Design Week.

There are a lot of greenwashing happening and it can be difficult to know what kind of shoes are more environmental friendly then others. While one might assume that vegan leather shoes are better for the environment, some are produced using toxic chemicals. Implementing a sustainability score can help consumers make more informed choices and purchase genuinely eco-friendly footwear.

The score system would be similar to the nutrition score on food. The score should represent the environmental impact from the whole life cycle of shoes, including: raw material extraction, raw material processing, manufacturing, assembly, packaging production, transport and disposal. The score can either be stamped on the soles of the shoes or placed on the shoe boxes. They should also be visible when people are buying shoes in shoe stores.

  • It can be difficult to collect the data from the whole life cycle of shoes. How willing are brands to share this information?

No similar scoring system currently exists.

Modular shoes. A shoe brand where all the different parts of the shoe can be replaced. Inspired by the phone company Fairphone where all the different parts on the phone can be fixed and nothing is glued shut.

When shoes are worn out, there are usually parts of the shoe that are totally fine. By using a shoe where different parts can be replaced easily, the lifetime of the shoes will be extended dramatically.

The concept revolves around a modular shoe design, where the different main parts of the shoe can be taken apart from each other. The mechanism should be user-friendly and robust to ensure secure attachment of the parts. When a component wears out and requires replacement, you simply order a new part. Instead of throwing the pair, users can easily order a replacement part, which will extend the lifespan of the shoes and reduce waste. This modular approach enables effortless customization. This innovation helps the environment and gives people more options for their shoes that last longer.

  • Can be challenging to create the attachment mechanism.

There have been some projects where people have tried to create a modular shoe.

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