I’ve been feeling somewhat stuck with my project and the topic I’m working on. It’s challenging to make progress because I don’t know which direction to take. There are many aspects and different problems to consider, and eventually, I’ll need to decide where to focus my efforts.
I have also been thinking a lot about a dilemma that I don’t know how to solve. One of my goals is to encourage people to maximize the use of their shoes. However, I’ve been hesitant because understanding the full potential of shoes can be challenging and there are many aspects to consider. It can be challenging to recommend extended use, as wearing shoes for too long might lead to health issues, such as stress injuries. Feet are different from each other and will therefore put pressure on different parts of a shoe. Some people will also wear out a shoe much faster than other people. The encouragement of people maximizing the use of their shoes must therefore be somehow personalized. People will in many cases notice when a shoe is worn out since it is visible on the physical part of the shoe and then it is natural to do something about it, but it might not be like this in all cases.
Because of these obstacles that I have met in my prosess I decided to sit down and create a mind map to organize and get a better mental model of the project. This way I could sort the different problems of the different main areas and how they are related. This helped me get a clearer picture of the topic so that the way forward can be easier. Below is a picture of the mind map, and I will write a bit more about the opportunities in each of the sections in the next blog post.

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