So now, onto the survey I conducted regarding the results from my short online questionnaire. It provided me with further insights and raised topics I hadn’t previously considered.
Thus far, 51 people have participated in the survey. It will remain active over time, so I may collect additional results and opinions, although they may not be relevant at present. I had participants from various age groups, but in total, there were 86%, which may also influence the research, as women tend to be more emotional, which is a significant factor in this topic.

Next, I posed some general questions about their feelings regarding animal welfare and their level of involvement in it.

I also inquired about their exposure to disturbing advertisements or approaches on the street and how it affected them.

Following a trigger warning, I presented four different images and asked whether they believed these images were appropriate for use on social media for advertising. In response, the majority deemed them inappropriate, and they also articulated their concerns and reasons for their decisions. I won’t include these images here, as I can’t provide a trigger warning as in the survey, but they are available on the survey link.

In summary, after reviewing all the comments:
The primary concern regarding the use of graphic images on social media or in advertising is the potential traumatization of younger people who may encounter them. While there are existing options to conceal such posts, they often fail to reach as many people as other posts, necessitating acceptance of exposure to disturbing content. This could have a negative impact on children.
On the other hand, some individuals mentioned that exposure to such content desensitized them, leading to diminished shock upon subsequent exposure. However, most respondents reported feeling sad, shocked, or ashamed when viewing such content.
Regarding street approaches on these topics, respondents varied in their reactions. Some expressed satisfaction that others were engaged in the issue and had donated, while others found it stressful and disliked being interrupted. It’s essential to consider these responses in different contexts, as they may vary depending on the situation.
Additionally, it was noted that sometimes the content is too brutal and doesn’t accurately reflect the truth. Not all farmers are depicted as negatively as portrayed in these ads, necessitating a more nuanced approach. Some campaigns may go too far and inadvertently harm individuals who are already striving to do their best, but the industry as a whole must undergo change.
To my surprise, only five people declined to participate in the second part after the trigger warning, allowing me to gather numerous responses. For each image, more individuals felt it was unsuitable for social media and advertising.
My main insights from the survey indicate that many people are aware of the issue. It would be beneficial to delve deeper into whether there are correlations between age or education level and their opinions. From a preliminary analysis, I noticed that younger generations and individuals aged 41-49 were more receptive to viewing this type of content online, whereas those aged 31-40 and 50+ were predominantly opposed to it. However, obtaining more responses would be necessary to produce a validated result, yet it remains an intriguing observation.
Maybe it is an option for me to combine my insights now with a possibility to make visuals about animal welfare that communicate the problem but are also suitable for online content and a save internet space. I for my part also think that is is crucial that we protect the youger generation which is already bombed with a lot of too brutal content. If I see a lot of posts about this topic I also have to put my phone away and get very anxious but I can speak for myself and regulate my feelings better than children or teenagers and I also have main development achieved which children still are in the middle of it. The content they see is highly influencial to their character and lifestyle in the future. So on the one hand it is good that they can see the reality but we have to make sure that is not too much for them.