11. Experimental Phase

Research Summary and Future Steps

In the first semester of my research, I explored the neurological underpinnings of how humans perceive facial configurations. This phase focused on general facial recognition, establishing a foundational understanding of the processes involved in facial perception. From there, I delved deeper into how humans interpret emotions conveyed through facial expressions. This analysis incorporated key elements such as symmetry, aesthetic traits, and the “child schema” (infant-like facial features), which play a vital role in how we perceive attractiveness and emotional cues in faces.

Expanding Focus: Facial Configurations in Art and Design

In the subsequent phase, I shifted my focus to the context of graphic design and visual arts. This exploration examined how facial configurations are stylized, utilized, and interpreted within artistic and design contexts. I aimed to understand the impact that specific facial shapes and expressions have on viewers, with an emphasis on the emotional responses these configurations evoke in artistic settings. This cross-disciplinary examination of facial perception from both neurological and aesthetic perspectives allowed me to explore the interplay between cognitive science and visual art.

Next Research Steps: Experimental Design and Surveys

The upcoming phase of my research involves conducting targeted surveys and experiments. The core of this work will be to present observers with a diverse array of images showcasing facial configurations at varying levels of abstraction. This approach aims to investigate two primary aspects:

  1. Recognition Value:
    • The primary objective is to assess whether observers can consistently recognize abstracted or stylized configurations as representing human faces.
  2. Assignment of Emotions:
    • I will explore the specific emotions that observers attribute to particular facial configurations. This will reveal patterns in emotional interpretation based on facial structure, expression, and style.

To ensure a comprehensive analysis, I will curate images that exemplify various artistic techniques and degrees of abstraction. These images will serve as a basis for understanding how specific facial configurations and styles influence both cognitive recognition and emotional response.

Through these surveys, I aim to uncover deeper insights into the cognitive mechanisms behind facial recognition and emotion interpretation, which will contribute valuable knowledge to cognitive psychology, visual arts, and user experience design.

Final Research Phase: Real-World Contextualization

In the culminating phase of my research, I will investigate the practical applications of facial configurations within real-world design contexts. This will involve studying user interactions with products that incorporate facial shapes or configurations, with the goal of understanding how these designs impact user experience. Specifically, I will focus on:

  1. Interaction with Interfaces:
    Investigating how facial shapes influence the way users engage with the interfaces of everyday devices and products. This includes examining whether facial configurations facilitate more intuitive interactions.
  2. Emotional Impact on Users:
    Assessing whether specific facial configurations can shape the emotional response users have toward products. I aim to determine if these configurations can positively influence both user experience and emotional connection.
  3. Design Strategies for Pareidolia:
    Exploring how designers can strategically incorporate pareidolia—the tendency to perceive faces in inanimate objects—to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Through this comprehensive approach, I intend to identify how integrating facial configurations into product and interface design can lead to more empathetic and user-centered experiences. By examining these dynamics, this research has the potential to inform more intuitive, emotionally resonant design strategies, ultimately contributing to enhanced user satisfaction and engagement across various domains.

By addressing these questions, I aim to find out how integrating facial shapes into design can enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The insights gained from this research could lead to more empathetic and intuitive design practices, ultimately contributing to improved user experiences in various fields.

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