05 | Character animation and rigging in Cinema 4D – 3. Advanced tools and techniques

What this blogpost is all about

This blogpost will be the final entry on the topic of character rigging and animation in Cinema4D. It will cover some of the more advanced tools Cinema4D provides for character rigging and animation and how they may be used to either achieve even better results or speed up the production process. Finally, it will give a short summary of the covered topic.

Simple character rigged using Cinema4D’s character object

1. Maxon Training Team.: Intro to Rigging in C4D: Part 3 – Constraints & C-Motion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUkRFEQGTqU [26.01.2024].
2. Maxon Training Team.: Intro to Rigging in C4D: Part 4 – Character Rigging/The Character Object, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co2hPxJhgT4 [26.01.2024].
3. Maxon Training Team.: Intro to Rigging in C4D: Part 5 – More on the Character Object and Features, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuAJRZKeRe8 [26.01.2024].

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