04 | Character animation and rigging in Cinema 4D – 2. Rigging and animating simple geometries

What this blogpost is all about

This blogpost will expand further on the previous topic of character rigging and animation in Cinema4D. It will tackle the question, how a rig can be connected to a modelled geometry, how the created character can be animated and what role topology and edgeflow play when rigging a model. Furthermore, it will also explain the role of controllers and constraints when animating a rig.

Simple weighted character mesh of a flying bird. The different colours show the weight distribution of the mesh to the different joints of the rig.

Advanced tools:

  • Muscle Object
  • Pose Morph
  • Character Obect
  • Phase
  • XPresso and User Data sliders

1. Maxon Training Team.: Intro to Rigging in C4D: Part 2 – Point Weighting, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiEUwM7vdCg [26.01.2024].
2. Maxon Training Team.: Intro to Rigging in C4D: Part 3 – Constraints & C-Motion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUkRFEQGTqU [26.01.2024].

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