In real life, humans interact with objects using their senses. The five basic senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell – play an essential role when perceiving the world. Multi-sensory design is becoming increasingly important in this age of digital interactions. However, the most unforgettable experiences are usually multi-sensory based. I will discuss exploring the multi-sensory design case studies and artworks during my research. I will analyse how to interact with multiple senses in designing products or in an artistic way and in which ways it is possible.
An example of fully multi-sensory experience can be food! Food is about more than just taste; it is also about the way it looks, smells, feels, and sounds. Combining these sensory inputs results in a unique and memorable experience that everyone can enjoy. Actually, multi-sensory food experiences are growing in popularity, with many food and beverage companies developing innovative products that appeal to multiple senses.

Food is a complete multi-sensory experience.
Another example of multi-sensory design is from Volkswagen. In 2009, Volkswagen undertook a unique project in Sweden by transforming an ordinary subway staircase into a giant piano. Their idea was to get people to abandon the escalator and head for the stairs. Each step became a musical note, and soon everyone was jamming on the stairs. It wasn’t just about the music; It was about feeling and having fun. The project showed that making everyday things like stairs more enjoyable can actually make people choose healthier options. It’s a great example of how using multi-sensory design can turn ordinary things into exciting experiences.
To continue with my research questions, these are the questions that I will work on during my research;
Central Research Questions:
- How to approach basic senses with using interaction design?
- How can we transfer real-life analog multi-sensory interaction to the digital?
- What is sensory design?
- How do you create a sensory experience?
- What is multisensory design?
- What is the role of sensory design in making user experience more effective?
Revelance for Design Fields:
The relevance of multi-sensory design is quite wide in design fields. Most of the time, we can associate any design in which the senses are used with sensory design. First, in user experience design, it is about how users establish connections between senses and products, in what ways they interact and possible scenarios. On the other hand, from an artistic point of view, it is possible to see multi-sensory design in different, even multi-sensory forms in installations and artistic works.
Approaches to Solve Issues/Questions:
To adress the research questions, I will work on various approaches;
- Analyzing case studies of successful sensory interaction design projects
- Collaborating/Interview with experts in fields such as psychology or design to better understand sensory perception and the role in design.
- Collecting data on which different areas and how sensory design is used in UX/Design fields.
- Exploring the development of new technologies and devices that appeal to sensory experiences.
Challenges in Research:
- Minimizing the subject that has wide and diverse areas.
- Finding reliable and up-to-date research in this evolving field.
Personal Motivation:
I’m really interested in learning about multi-sensory design, especially how products can connect with our senses. Also I’m excited to examine case studies to understand how designs can go beyond just being useful and actually make us feel something. Looking at artworks in this area inspires and helps me think outside the box when it comes to design. I also wonder how our emotions and behaviors are affected by what we see, hear, and feel. Mixing things like textures, colors, sounds and smells seems like a fun way to get creative with design; creating products that not only work well, but also make people feel something special.
Relevant Institutions:
- Interaction Design Foundation
- MIT Media Lab
- NN Group
- Research Gate
Preview of Upcoming Research Phase:

Projected steps in the research process
In the following blogs I will talk about explaning multi-sensory design and the role, delve deeper into the principles of multi-sensory interaction design, analysing successful case studies, and hopefully collaborating with experts in the field.