Am 14. February stand ich im Orpheum in Graz, mitten unter den Menschen, als Berq anfängt zu singen und ich einen Klanglicht Flashback bekam. Eine LED-Stange, zurückhaltend, minimalistisch, aber mit Maximum an Effekten. Genau so etwas nutzten wir damals im Oktober in unserer Installationsarbeit. Ich konnte mir nicht helfen und lachte laut. Es war dieser Moment, in dem alles zusammenkam: Das, was ich mir früher einfach nur angesehen hatte, verstehe ich jetzt technisch und konzeptionell. Ich weiß jetzt, wie man so etwas macht – und könnte es selbst umsetzen.
Früher hätte ich nur die Visuals in Staunen bestaunt, jetzt sehe ich sie anders. Ich merke mir die Technik danach, die Logik des Lichtmanagements, die Effektivität von kleinen Details. Es ist nicht mehr dieses zauberhafte „Wie haben sie das gemacht?“, sondern ein „Easy, mach ich dir“. Und genau das ist wie ein richtiger Schritt voran.
Kunst und Technik vermischen sich auf eine neue Weise, wenn man einen Schritt mehr hinterher weiß. Und das ist es gerade, was mir in diesem Moment gezeigt wurde: Ich bin nicht mehr allein Zuschauerin – ich bin jemand, der es selbst tun kann.
Schlagwort: stage visuals
Episode #2 from the series: New things I learned this semester – Resolve
A big step for me this semester was to try out in depth cutting with Davinci Resolve. I was always a big fan of Adobe Premiere Pro and used to do everything with this programme. Especially the workflow within the Adobe products (Premiere-AfterEffects) was one of the main reason for that. Like I wrote in my last post, we had a project for the Springfestival where we could do basically everything so there was time to try out new things!
At first I was kind of overwhelmed with the user interface of Resolve. The arrangement of the tabs is totally different than in Premiere and therefore the workflow is totally different. Once I got used to the interface I surprisingly was very fond of this tool! At first glimpse it looks overpowered and complicated but the interface makes more sense than the interface of premiere – at least for me. It feels like in Resolve I have more control over my clips and also I like the arrangement of the tabs much more. In Premiere Pro I hardly ever worked with short cuts or effect control but now that I work in Resolve I am more willing to learn how to use stuff efficient. It really helped my workflow and output when it comes to cutting videos.
Here are some of the differences I have noticed:
Interface: Premiere Pro is often considered easier to learn, especially for those who have experience with other Adobe products. Its interface is customizable and user-friendly. While DaVinci Resolve has a more complex interface, it is highly powerful and comprehensive. The learning curve can be steeper, especially for beginners, but it’s favored by professional colorists and editors for its depth.
Color Grading/Correction: Premiere Pro offers a solid set of color grading tools within the Lumetri Color panel, which is integrated into the editing workflow. Meanwhile DaVinci Resolve is renowned for its advanced color grading capabilities, Resolve originated as a color grading tool and still excels in this area. Its color grading features are considered industry-leading, offering extensive controls and professional-grade tools.
Features: Premiere Pro is integrated with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications like After Effects, Photoshop, and Audition enhances its functionality. DaVinci also offers comprehensive editing features, with the added benefit of a fully integrated suite that includes Fusion (for visual effects), Fairlight (for audio post-production), and its top-notch color grading. This integration allows for a seamless workflow within a single application.
Here is the finished video for the Stage Visuals of the Springfestival Opening 2024. The main video I edited in DaVinci Resolve which I later put into the AfterEffects template, that is divided into different sections that are the same size as the LED walls on the main stage.

Here I especially focused on making cool transitions, which turned out pretty good because we graded everything in a similar color! On the day of the opening we had to look if the faces in the video would look disturbed or if my arrangement for the LED walls was accurat! The front penal at the venue was actually really overlapping the main wall so I had to adjust the video.