The potential
After researching the basics of Calm Technologies, I went back to the beginning and compared my initial introduction potential with my findings during the research. After completing the comparison of the research with my initial assumptions that Calm technologies can be used to materialise the digital and visualise tangible information. I came to the conclusion that the main potential of Calm technologies lies in these two categories, but needs to be extended by a side category of translating analogue data.
The translation of analogue data into digital is a side category because in many cases in this category sensors do the job automatically and no human interaction is required. This doesn’t mean it’s any less important or should be ignored, it just means that Calm Technology can’t be applied to the entire category in a useful way here.
To make it easier to understand and remember these key potentials, I have created a small information graphic below that breaks the subject down into its smallest elements. And visualises where Calm Technology should be applied and can unfold its full potential.