Key Findings from Interviews

I have spent the last week planning and arranging two interviews related to my topic. It was interesting to conduct primary research in this way and talk directly to people with experience in the topic. In this seventh blog post, I will present key findings from the interviews. 

Interview subjects

  • Women in the age between 23 and 25
  • Went to music lessons for 1-3 years in primary school
  • Mainly piano, but also other instruments such as the clarinet, guitar and drums
  • Busy time schedule with handball, football, horse riding and choir

Why did they start?

They both have a parent with musical talent and interest. One of them also has a sister that went to piano lessons and got inspired by her. Both interview subjects also grew up with a piano in their house, which made them curious on the instrument. 

During music education

The first interview subject stated that it was much more difficult to learn the instrument than predicted. She never learned musical notation, but had another technique that worked out in the beginning. The different notes in the C major scale got a number from one to five, representing the different fingers on her hand. When the number 1 was listed, she played a C with her thumb, without knowing the actual name of the tone. After some time, it was difficult to adapt the system to more complicated songs. Without knowing how to read music sheets, she struggled to progress. She quitted practicing at home between the lessons and did not get a big feeling of mastery. 

The second interview subject had a slightly different experience. She learned how to read musical notation, and felt that she mastered how to play the instrument in the beginning. She practiced at home approximately once a week, but did not find it genuinely fun or motivating. The music school arranged a competition for the pupils, to make them practice more between the lessons. This did not motivate the interview subject, because she felt that the whole intention was wrong. They had to use a stopwatch to time how long they were playing for. After a while, the songs also got more difficult which made it less fun for her. 

Why did they quit?

For both interview subjects, it was mainly a consequence of a tight time schedule. They went to other arranged activities that was more active, fun, and social, which made them easier to prioritize. For the first interview subject, it was challenging to get to the piano teacher. She had to walk for a long time along a road not suitable for pedestrians. None of the subjects had a lot of friends doing music lessons, and because they did not find the actual practice motivating anymore, quitting was an easy option. The second interview subject also dreaded the concerts that were arranged once every semester. She did not look forward to them and thinking of them made her rather afraid and unwell. 

Subsequently, both interview subject state that they now wish they were better at playing music instruments. Nevertheless, they do not regret prioritizing more social and physically challenging activities. 

Music lessons at school

In addition to attending arranged music lessons, both of them took part in music education in school. They learned basic guitar chords and rhythms on drums, which they found both fun and challenging. The second interview subject especially enjoyed playing drums, but none of them liked the guitar lessons. They did not get along with their music teachers and felt like they were very much left on their own. To get a grade in the course, they had to perform with the guitar. The second interview object found that significantly scary and uncomfortable, it did not give her any feeling of mastery at all. 

Thoughts about digital music education

None of the interview subjects have been trying out any form of digital music education. One of them said that she could picture herself using YouTube tutorials if she was a child now. She also mentioned that she thinks Duolingo Music has a cool approach, but do not think she could commit to doing it regularly. The other interview subject said that it is crucial to be truly motivated for digital music education to be efficient. It is not very social, so the students will be more left on their own. One would need to be dedicated, and she states that digital music lessons would definitely not work for her. 

Additional input

Both interview subjects told me that they love music. They consider it being a big part of their life, and a source to a wide range of emotions. They would love to be good at playing an instrument now, but they still do not consider learning one now. It is apparently too late. Even in middle school, learning a new instrument or starting a new leisure activity was considered too late. 

The first interview subject enjoyed playing around and experimenting on the piano as a child. The second one stayed with the music sheets and did not challenge herself to improvise in any way. At home, they were both allowed to play when they wanted to and was not very restricted. They also remember to like their piano instructors, and do not know if other instructors could make them stay longer. For the second interview object, it could possibly have made a difference if the concerts were voluntary instead of obligatory.  

They agreed on the fact that inner motivation is crucial. It does require a lot of hard work to become good, which is impossible if you do not enjoy practicing. It would be easier for them to stay in music education if they were surrounded by people who did the same. Both friends and family had a big impact on them. They wanted to do the same as their siblings, and not miss out on the social arenas handball and football practice offered. One of them mentioned that it would be harder to quit if the piano lessons was more collaborative and social. According to her, group rehearsals to make piano harmonies could be a good idea. 

Reflections: Strict Music Teachers and Online Educational Platforms

In this fourth blog post, I will use the opportunity to reflect around my chosen topic and contemplate recent discoveries. I recently came across a student opinion article in The New York Times, and it made me think about the importance of good music education and how to measure it. 

The article is based on a guest essay from Sammy Miller, a Grammy-nominated drummer and founder of a music education company. He states that “We’re Teaching Music to Kids All Wrong”, which results in children losing their excitement and enthusiasm for music. He mentions several different advantages children could get if they stick to music, such as being better in math and physics and getting a higher level of conscientiousness. Nevertheless, lack of interest results in plenty early ended music careers. He is wondering why parents and educators are not better at encouraging children to continue, because they never seem to be expressly thankful to have quit music at an early age. In his guest essay, I want to point out this paragraph: 

In my 15 years as a musical educator, talking to countless teachers, I’ve learned one thing: There is no magical fix. Making music education more successful doesn’t need to involve expensive digital accessories or fancy educational platforms (and I say that as someone who developed an online educational platform). There’s no technological or financial program that will convert children into lifelong music lovers.

Even though he has participated in the development of the online music educational platform Playbook, he states that it would not have the capability to convert children into lifelong music lovers. He continues writing that it is necessary to rethink how we teach music from the ground up, and emphasizes the fact that children should be allowed to play around. According to Miller, we should encourage children to be terribleMany children associate music with a difficult undertaking they cannot hope to master, which in the end leads them to giving up. It should not be like that. They should be thought the usefulness of failure. 


Now back to the student opinion article written by Jeremy Engle. The reason why he writes about Millers guest essay, is because he wants to research out if his statements are based on true stories. He asks students: Do we really need better music education? He wants to find out if students agree with the statement that we are teaching music the wrong way. He lists 6 questions related to the topic, and students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. 

After reading the comments, I truly understood the frustrations and difficulties children goes through while learning new instruments. The article now has 153 comments and as far as I can see, all the commenters agree with Millers statements. They write about how it is to be forced to learning new instruments, and how challenging it is to face strict, perfectionist music teachers. Many of the students commenting ended up quitting music themselves because of low feeling of mastery, which they subsequently find sad. 

I think the numerous advantages of music may disappear if the performer ceases to find joy in the experience. The children need to find their own motivation, and the job of the teacher is to develop it further. Strict rules and perfectionist goals do not contribute. 

I also want to highlight Millers statement about online educational platforms. Personally, I learned to play the trumpet and piano in a traditional way. Even though it was hard to concentrate at times and I truly relate to some of the students’ comments, I also enjoyed the analog format. Throughout my youth, I used music to escape from everyday life and the digital society in general. After staring into my computer and mobile device for hours, the fifteen minutes I spent in front of the piano was used to completely disconnect from digital platforms. It might be a bias while researching this topic, but I find it hard to believe that a digital educational platform really could displace the feeling of escape from analog sheet music. 

Some valuable thoughts and reflections entered my head after reading this article and the attached comments. I do not know what I will end up doing in this project, but now I know that it is important for me to research the possibility to make something fun and playful, preferably in an analog format. 


Engle, J. (2023, September 29). Do We Need Better Music Education?. The New York Times. Retrieved from