05/ Why is it important to include tactile design into graphic design?

Sebastian Cox (an award winning bespoke fine furniture designer) said: ‘People are drawn to tactility because they are seeking something “real”. We spend so much of our time in the digital world – something natural brings us closer to reality.’

In the design process, every graphic designer aims to showcase the best aspects of their work to the audience. Achieving a powerful tactile perception and impactful visual presentation is crucial for creating outstanding graphic design. Therefore, the current challenge for graphic designers is how to effectively integrate tactile perception into their designs to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Tactile perception in graphic design refers to viewers gaining additional information about a work through diverse tactile sensations created by various material surfaces and textures. In the process of graphic design, designers distinguish their creations by employing different techniques or materials on the same surface.

Tactile sense in graphic design manifests in two forms, with the first being the result of varying textures in different materials, such as smooth, soft, rough, and hard surfaces. Graphic designers leverage these material textures to establish a connection and appeal to viewers, enhancing the overall allure of their designs. The second form of tactile sense innovation in graphic design builds upon the first by not only considering the material used but also designing texture elements on packaging to imitate and evoke specific feelings. This innovative approach allows for immediate recognition of graphic designs through the tactile sense, particularly in packaging, enabling consumers to quickly identify and understand the nature of a product. By integrating tactile sense and vision in this way, graphic designers can effectively establish a strong identity and recognition relationship with consumers, enhancing the overall impact and communication of their designs (Wang & Li, 2014).

Tactile design, also known as haptic design, involves creating designs that not only appeal visually but also engage the sense of touch. Incorporating tactile elements in graphic design can be important for several reasons:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Tactile elements can enhance the overall user experience by providing a multi-sensory interaction. When people can feel and touch a design, it creates a more memorable and immersive experience.
  2. Accessibility: Tactile design can improve accessibility for individuals with visual impairments. By incorporating textures, embossing, or other tactile elements, designers can communicate information in a way that goes beyond visual cues, making the content more accessible to a wider audience.
  3. Brand Differentiation: In a visually saturated world, tactile design can help a brand stand out. Incorporating unique textures or finishes in print materials, packaging, or digital interfaces can make a brand more memorable and distinctive.
  4. Communication of Information: Tactile elements can be used to communicate information effectively. For example, in packaging design, the texture of a product’s packaging can convey information about its contents, quality, or brand identity.
  5. Emotional Connection: Touch is a powerful sense that can evoke emotions and create a deeper connection between the user and the design. The tactile qualities of a product or design can influence how users perceive and relate to it emotionally.
  6. Engagement: Tactile design encourages physical interaction. Whether it’s through interactive print materials or textured surfaces, the act of touching and feeling can engage the audience more actively with the design.
  7. Storytelling: Tactile elements can be used to tell a story or convey a message. By carefully selecting materials and textures, designers can evoke certain feelings or communicate specific themes.
  8. Memorability: Designs that engage multiple senses tend to be more memorable. Tactile elements can create a lasting impression on users, making the design more likely to be remembered over time.
  9. Cross-Modal Perception: Engaging multiple senses simultaneously, such as combining visual and tactile stimuli, can enhance the overall perception of a design. This cross-modal approach can create a more holistic and impactful experience.

In summary, tactile design is important in graphic design because it adds depth to the user experience, improves accessibility, differentiates brands, communicates effectively, creates emotional connections, encourages engagement, contributes to storytelling, enhances memorability, and utilizes cross-modal perception for a more comprehensive impact.

Ilse Crawford (a British interior and furniture designer) : The more digital our lives become, the more we crave the physical. It’s about balance. We are moving towards more tactile materials that engage the senses.’

It’s no surprise that Thomas Widdershoven, creative director of Design Academy Eindhoven, described tactility as „a political statement, a social statement, a human statement“. Tactility may appear counter-intuitive in the digital age, but it has never been more vital – in terms of design, it is the strongest expression of our humanity we can produce (Treggiden, 2015).


  1. Treggiden, K. (2015). Tactile design: Why we like things a little rough around the edges. The Spaces. https://thespaces.com/tactile-design-why-we-like-things-a-little-rough-around-the-edges/
  2. Wang, Q., & Li, H. (2014). Analysis on tactile field in current graphic vision design. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Social Research. https://doi.org/10.2991/icssr-14.2014.235

04/ Cultural aspect of touch

In the last few blogs, we learned a lot about scientific background on touch. To finish that chapter, I will once again list the main ‘tasks’ of the tactile system:

→ touch to communicate emotions – Touch can be used to convey specific emotions such as anger, fear, and contempt. Touch is also used to convey more complicated social messages such as trust, receptivity, affection and nurture, reliance, and affiliation.

→ touch to elicit emotions – It is reasonable to believe that tactile stimulation of various physical locations can trigger a wide range of emotions.

→ touch as a behaviour modulator – Touch has the potential to influence people’s opinions toward people, places, or services, as well as their predisposition to form attachments and (pro-)social activities.

In the following chapters of this blog I would like to learn more about cultural aspect of touch. Since touch is a big part of our social life, I wonder how touch differentiates in cultures. Examining how touch is viewed in different cultures reveals a diverse range of social norms. In some cultures, touch is embraced as a natural and integral part of daily communication, fostering a sense of closeness and connection among individuals. In contrast, other societies may exhibit a more reserved approach to touch, where personal space and boundaries are highly valued.

Every day, we experience social touch in various ways, like greetings (handshakes, hugs, kisses), intimate communication (holding hands, cuddling, back scratching), and corrections (punishment, a pat on the backside). The impact of social touch can be seen in different aspects, from our body’s responses to how we behave in social situations. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a tactile person, touch is embedded in the social structure of our lives (Halton,2021).

According to ethnographic descriptions, civilizations differ in the amount to which they value physical touch and its appropriateness in various types of social relationships. Different cultures have varying norms for social behavior, including attitudes towards affectionate touch. Nonverbal behaviors are influenced by cultural scripts, and these norms can shape both attitudes and actual behavior. For example, Latino cultures are believed to encourage open expressions of affection, leading to more positive attitudes about affectionate touch among their members. In contrast, mainstream American culture may promote less affectionate touch, resulting in potentially less positive attitudes among its members. Cultural background plays a significant role in shaping people’s views on physical affection (Burleson et al., 2018).

Everyday life observations suggest that humans use similar types of interpersonal touch behavior all over the world to express their affection. However, there were some intriguing differences in the level of intimate touch between the nations. For instance, only around 2% of participants in Italy, Estonia, Romania, Spain, and Mexico said they had not touched their partner at all in the week before the research, compared to almost 16% in the United States, over 20% in Uganda, and 43% in China! Couples in the Czech Republic and Italy, for instance, touch each other more frequently than couples in the United States. Compared to pairs in English, French, or Dutch, those in Greek and Italian had a greater touch predominance. Couples of Latino origin are more likely than Asian couples to engage in affective touch, and Mexican Americans are more likely than European Americans to report feeling comfortable using affective touch in public. It is suggested that cultures can be categorized as high-contact or low-contact based on these observations (Sorokowska et al., 2021).

Since there’s limited research on what influences affectionate touch, especially in terms of cultural factors, we can concentrate on the most well-supported variables. These include (a) cultural aspects like temperature, regional parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and regional religiosity, and (b) individual factors such as gender, age, personal history with parasites, individual conservatism, individual religiosity, and preferred social distance. To make this blog shorter and not so boring, I will write about some aspects that i found really interesting. The research showed that temperature, e.g. pleasant weather and a warmer climate encourage more frequent social interactions, build trust among people, and make it easier to form social connections. Past research indicates that women tend to use touch more in social interactions, supporting the idea that women typically have broader and denser social networks compared to men. Studies suggest that couples in highly religious countries are less prone to touching each other compared to couples in less religious countries. These findings suggest that religiosity is negatively related to affective touch. These are the aspects that I found the most interesting, if anyone is interested in more, it would be good to look at the research from Sorokowska and others.


  1. Heatley Tejada, A., Dunbar, R.I.M. & Montero, M. Physical Contact and Loneliness: Being Touched Reduces Perceptions of Loneliness. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 6, 292–306 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-020-00138-0
  2. Halton, M. (2021, March 22). Humans are made to be touched – so what happens when we aren’t? ideas.ted.com. https://ideas.ted.com/we-are-made-to-be-touched-so-what-happens-when-we-arent/
  3. Burleson, M. H., Roberts, N. A., Coon, D. W., & Soto, J. A. (2018). Perceived cultural acceptability and comfort with affectionate touch. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 026540751775000. doi:10.1177/0265407517750005
  4. Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., … Anjum, A. (2021). Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 014616722098837. doi:10.1177/0146167220988373

03/ Why is touch so important?

According to Gottlieb(1971), touch emerges as the earliest developed sense in human embryos, playing a crucial role in the early social development of mammals and contributing to their overall health during growth (Harlow and Zimmermann,1959). Touch is of the initial forms of communication between newborns and parents. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, prosody, gesture, and touch (Argyle 1975) of which touch is the primary modality for conveying intimate emotions. This underscores the significance of touch as a fundamental aspect of human interaction, essential for expressing and understanding emotional states.

Being emotionally and socially receptive to touch is so physiologically fundamental to us that C tactile afferents1 can be found on practically every inch of our skin, with the exception of our palms and soles. In her TEDxGöteborg talk, Wasling highlights that specific nerves in our bodies exhibit heightened sensitivity to mild touch, gentle movement, and temperatures around 32 degrees Celsius. Essentially, humans are programmed to be most responsive to a light caress from another person. Our skin houses a network of specialized nerve fibers that not only detect but also emotionally respond to the touch of others. This responsiveness plays a crucial role in reinforcing our relationships, connections with others, and even our sense of self by creating a tangible link between physical touch and emotional experiences.

The importance of touch became more clear during the pandemic. „Touch is something we associate with emotional closeness, and we associate the absence of it with emotional distance,“ says New York-based psychologist Guy Winch PhD. We may not realize it, but there were literally thousands of little moments of touch throughout the day in pre-pandemic existence.” According to Winch, it might be quite challenging for people who have been living without that connection for a long period. “There’s something that feels very distancing and cold about not having any kind of option for an embrace, and that can leave long lasting scars”. Hugs are a really significant and emotionally nourishing sort of touch, explains Winch. The warmth of a genuine hug not only symbolizes security and safety but also fosters a profound sense of connection, enveloping individuals in a comforting embrace that transcends words, cultivating an immediate bond built on trust and intimacy. Furthermore, the benefits of touch are not just emotional and social, but also physical; it can relieve pain and tension, as well as provide us with a general sense of well-being (Halson,2021). Physical gestures of warmth and care, including touch, play a crucial role in fostering human social bonds and promoting psychological well-being (Field, 2010). There is evidence suggesting that touch, emotional depth or relationship quality, and loneliness are interconnected. Loneliness is related to poor relationship quality, particularly within the core of the social network, and those relationships, deep emotional ties, seem to rely heavily on physical contact and tactile ways of displaying affection (Tejada et al., 2020).

According to Van Erp and colleagues (2015), we are on the verge of a second transition: adding social or affective touch to ICT systems (touch for social communication). They believe that modern communication technology do not allow people to convey their feelings through touch, and that as a result, they may lack a compelling experience of social presence.


  1. Halton, M. (2021, March 22). Humans are made to be touched – so what happens when we aren’t? ideas.ted.com. https://ideas.ted.com/we-are-made-to-be-touched-so-what-happens-when-we-arent/
  2. Field, T. (2010). Touch for socioemotional and physical well-being: A review. Developmental Review, 30(4), 367–383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2011.01.001.
  3. Heatley Tejada, A., Dunbar, R.I.M. & Montero, M. Physical Contact and Loneliness: Being Touched Reduces Perceptions of Loneliness. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 6, 292–306 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40750-020-00138-0
  4. Gottlieb, G. 1971. Ontogenesis of sensory function in birds and mammals. In The Biopsychology of Development, Edited by E. Tobach, L.R. Aronson, and E. Shaw, 67–128. New York, NY: Academic Press.
  5. Harlow, H.F., and Zimmermann, R.R. 1959. Affectional responses in the infant monkey; orphaned baby monkeys develop a strong and persistent attachment to inanimate surrogate mothers. Science 130: 421–32. doi:10.1126/science.130.3373.421
  6. Argyle, M. 1975. Bodily Communication. 2nd ed. London, UK: Methuen.
  7. van Erp, J. B. F., & Toet, A. (2015, May 8). Social touch in human–computer interaction. Frontiers. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdigh.2015.00002/full#B4
  1. C tactile afferents are nerve receptors in mammalian skin that generally respond to nonpainful stimulation such as light touch ↩︎

02/ Tactile system

Aristotle classified touch, along with vision, hearing, smell, and taste, as one of the five main senses. The tactile system is the first sense to emerge in the womb and stands as the largest sensory system within the human body.

From the very start of our lives, the sense of touch plays a significant role in how we experience the world. It helps us connect with our surroundings and people around us. As babies start exploring, the things they feel with their hands and bodies are crucial for learning how to move, express emotions, and think. Different tactile sensations range from light touch to deep pressure, to pain and temperature, traction, and the variety of tactile qualities of objects around us. Because there is a relationship between the tactile system and our emotional centers in the brain, we relate many tactile experiences as pleasurable or not pleasurable based on past experiences and expectations. This is also because, in infancy, tactile experiences are the dominant form of communication between the infant and caregivers (Hill, 2021). So, the sense of touch isn’t just about feeling things – it’s a big part of how we learn and connect with the world.

Tactile sense is one of the essential components of our sensory systems that each of us possesses. We can have either an active or passive touch sense. Active touch refers to what is ordinarily called touching. This ought to be distinguished from passive touch, or being touched (Gibson, 1962). According to Gibson, active touch is defined by deliberate movement and leads to objective knowledge about surfaces in the external environment, whereas passive touch, in which the observer is not free to move, promotes subjective experiences and inattention to the object. Voluntary movement enables the perceiver to identify the invariants in stimulus that specifies shapes and occurrences (Observations on active touch,1962). Active touch is often described as yielding „better-quality“ information than passive touch. However, some authors have argued that passive-guided movements generate superior percepts due to a reduction in demands on the haptic sensory system (Van Doorn, Dubaj, et. al., 2012).

Through our touch sense, we are able to perceive the surface of various objects, animal life, etc. in our daily lives. However, while we are touching other things, other things are also touching us. Therefore, tactile sense is mutual. (Wang & Li, 2014). Like all senses, the sense of touch allows us to gather information about the people and things in the world around us. What sets touch apart is its intimacy, as it requires direct contact with skin, the sensory organ of tactile sensation (Jenkins & Lumpkin, 2017).

The significance of tactile awareness in design has grown increasingly important in our technologically driven environment. As we go to online platforms, designers must remember that consumers are human beings with senses. Beyond the visual and auditory aspects prevalent in digital design, tactile elements play a pivotal role in establishing a profound connection between users and the design. The incorporation of tactile elements, whether physical or simulated in digital interfaces, enhances the overall user experience and fosters deeper connectivity with clients. As the digital landscape evolves, the integration of tactile elements becomes a strategic imperative, creating a more immersive and authentic user experience in our increasingly digitalized world.


  1. Hill, J. (2021). What is the tactile system?. Harkla. Retrieved from https://harkla.co/blogs/special-needs/tactile-system
  2. Wang, Q., & Li, H. (2014). Analysis on tactile field in current graphic vision design. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Social Research. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.2991/icssr-14.2014.235
  3. Jenkins, B. A., & Lumpkin, E. A. (2017, November 15). Developing a sense of touch. Development (Cambridge, England). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5719243/
  4. Van Doorn, G. H., Dubaj, V., Wuillemin, D. B., Richardson, B. L., & Symmons, M. A. (2012). Cognitive load can explain differences in active and passive touch. Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication, 91–102. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31401-8_9
  5. Gibson, J. J. (1962). Observations on active touch. Psychological Review, 69(6), 477–491. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0046962

01/ Introduction: Importance of tactile design elements in visual communication

The growth of technology has transformed the way we interact with our surroundings. Digital items have become an essential part of our daily life. However, as technology’s use grows, so does the demand for a more engaging and memorable user experience. One method is to incorporate tactile features into the design of digital products.

Touch is one of the five senses and has a significant impact on how we perceive and experience the environment. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is highly sensitive to pressure, temperature, and texture. Designers may create a more engaging user experience by incorporating these triggers into the design of digital products. The texture of a design can greatly influence how the user perceives it. A rough surface, for example, may express a sense of stability and dependability, whereas a smooth surface may convey a sense of beauty and refinement.

This blog will examinate how tactile communication can strategically be used to convey a successfull and effective message. The primary goal is to uncover the subtle ways in which tactile aspects can be intelligently included into visual design, encouraging a stronger connection and understanding between the message sender and receiver. We want to learn how to effectively use elements like texture and touch to support the visual success of messaging. The tactile component of design has the power to communicate a variety of qualities and influence how a customer feels about a product or company in general. By finding what works best, we can create a foundation for making visual messages that people will remember and respond to in different situations.


  1. Leng X, Zhou X, Wang S, Xiang Y. Can visual language convey tactile experience? A study of the tactile compensation effect of visual language for online products. Front Psychol. 2022 Dec 19;13:1034872. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1034872. PMID: 36600710; PMCID: PMC9807036.
  2. Jones, L. A. (2011). Tactile communication systems. Enhancing Performance for Action and Perception – Multisensory Integration, Neuroplasticity and Neuroprosthetics, Part II, 113–128. doi:10.1016/b978-0-444-53355-5.00008-7 
  3. A visual and tactile graphic design experiment: ‘Touch Project’, Parinda Sakdanaraseth (https://in-touch-digital.com/2020/03/12/a-visual-and-tactile-graphic-design-experiment-touch-project/ )
  4. Analysis on Tactile Field in Current Graphic Vision Design, Qi Wang, Huifang Li (file:///C:/Users/Korisnik/Downloads/12059.pdf )
  5. Liu, S., & Li, S. (2023). Analysis on the Use of Visual Touch and Emotional Creation in Brand Image Design. Highlights in Art and Design, 4(1), 39–41. Retrieved from https://drpress.org/ojs/index.php/hiaad/article/view/11659