Impuls 2 – Literaturrecherche

In preparation for the master thesis we had to research different types of resources and literatur which would fit our topic. It should help us how we can search and how things like the Fernleihe works. As I am currently exploring a new topic for my master thesis this was very helpful with deciding if this topic has enough research already for me to build up my work. For this I started to research for both my possible topics:

“Wie is Herrl, so is Gscherrl” – The topic of personality of humans and their dogs/pets and how this works and how to illustrate it.


A topic about wool and crafts as I am a knitter and crafter myself and it is hard to know materials and their environmental impact as well as the animal welfare aspect in this field.

With my research I found out that the first topic has a lot of research and studies already on how our pets influence us and about the relationship and that it will be hard to find out something new. And at the same time I felt more interest into the second topic. It is a little bit harder to find corresponding literature but there are papers in different fields connected to that. I found out if I want to write about this there are a lot of suptopics into it – animal welfare, environmental impact, wool production, marketing of knitting shops/patterns, material etc. And I have to split it up into these pieces and then I find more studies to each of these topic and later I will make a connection between or solve problems that I will discover through my research.

So these resources were my outcome from this first research and depend on the briefing from the master thesis course.

Abgabe IV

  1. Schlüsselwörter
  • Knitting/Stricken
  • Sustainable/Nachhaltigkeit
  • Mulesing
  • Schafe
  • Wolle/Wool
  • Wollproduktion
  • Siegel & Zertifikate
  • Leitfaden
  • Fasern
  • Handarbeiten
  • Slow Fashion


ABBOTT, Kym A. Sheep Veterinary Practice. 1. Auflage. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2024

CONFORTE, Daniel; DUNLOP, Samuel; GARNEVSKA, Elena. New Zealand Wool Inside: A Discussion Case Study In: The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 14, Nr. 3 (September 2011): 147–178.

KLEPP, Ingun G. ; TOBIASSON, Tone S. Local, Slow and Sustainable Fashion: Wool as a Fabric for Change. 1. Auflage. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022.

WIKIPEDIA. 2024. „Mulesing.“ Wikipedia: Die freie Enzyklopädie. Letzte Änderung: 29. August 2024. Zugriff: 20. Oktober 2024.

WIKIPEDIA. 2023. „Wollsiegel.“ Wikipedia: Die freie Enzyklopädie. Letzte Änderung: 24. Dezember 2023. Zugriff: 20. Oktober 2024.

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