The master’s thesis I chose is from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and was written by Aylin Celebi. The title of this thesis is “Alles nur Show?: Eine Analyse über die (Selbst)Präsentation deutscher Rapperinnen in ihren Musikvideos.” The thesis was submitted in 2019 and was supervised by Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Thiele.
1 // Level of design
The thesis has a very plain design. It uses only white pages and one font style throughout, with no creative layout or design elements. This simplicity might be due to university guidelines. Adding small design elements (if allowed by the guidelines) could have improved its readability and appearance.
2 // Degree of innovation
The thesis topic – examining female German rappers’ self-presentation in music videos – addresses a kind of new area within media studies, but making it relevant. The research provides new insights into how these women show their independence in a male-dominated genre by focusing on their clothing, movements, and eye contact with the camera.
3 // Independence
The author shows independence by choosing a distinct group of artists and clearly defining a unique research question. The analysis of each video also shows independent thinking, though deeper interpretations could further highlight their unique insights.
4 // Outline and structure
The outline is clear and logical, moving step-by-step through theory, methods, analysis, and conclusion. The clear separation of each artist’s style and background helps to maintain focus on the central research question, showing thoughtful structuring.
5 // Degree of communication
The author communicates their findings effectively and the writing is formal and fits the scientific style. The language is clear and descriptive, making complex concepts like ‘objectification’ and the ‚gaze‘ accessible.
6 // Scope of the work
The scope is appropriate for a thesis, focusing on five German female rappers and their music videos – it covers each artist well. This limited selection allows for an in-depth look at each rapper’s unique portrayal choices without overextending.
7 // Orthography and accuracy
The work appears well-edited and precise and integrates Objectification Theory effectively, with its focus on sexualization and self-presentation. The language is consistently professional, and the sections logically follow each other. Minor grammatical inconsistencies do not detract from the quality of the text.
8 // Literature
The thesis uses relevant literature, and the bibliography seems quite extensive and covers a wide range of sources related to the research topic. It includes a mix of books, journal articles, online articles, and reports.