„Body and Violin Fusion“ – Types of Interactions II

After finalizing the compositional idea, I attempted to compile a list of all the signal processing types and audio effects that I intend to use in my piece. To practice with fixed elements, the aim was to control the parameters rather than randomize them, so that I can bring the project closer to what I expected and make it executable as well. In other words, I determined which aspects should be under my control and which should not.

Throughout the semester, I experimented with these different types of interactions to explore my sound possibilities and predict how they would affect the sounds of the violin.

  • Multiple Loops (evolving musical patterns) On/Off through monitor?
    On/Off via Sensors? It needs more precise and complicated patches, and the patches should track unnormal gesture and not the way I usually play with violin
  • Audio Signal Processing Pitch shifting
    Time stretching Amplitude/Dynamic Reverb/Delay Timbre
  • Microsoft Word – Exposé II.docx
  • Chorus: to create a thicker sound by duplicating the signal and slightly varying the pitch and timing
  • Sound Synthesis Variations Additive synthesis
    FM (frequency modulation) synthesis Granular synthesis
  • Granular Synthesis
    Grain size:
    shorter grains noisier and more textural, longer grains are more faithful to the recorded sounds of the buffer Grain Density: higher density sounds thicker and more continuous, lower density scattered texture and more noticeable individual grains Grain shape (windowing function): the envelope applied to each grain to shape its amplitude over time, currently I am using the Hamming window Grain position (start time): the start pointing of each grain within the original audio sample Grain playback direction: forward or backward!
    Grain spatialization: just have an idea that the grains move around the listeners from everywhere like a rain!
    Grain sequencing: different order of the grains’ playback for more chaotic textures Randomize the parameters: Which is not my goal, but it’s also another possibility!
  • Spatialization The goal is to begin with headphones that track movements and initially use a binaural mix. Additionally, I plan to explore spatialization, utilizing various IEM plugins, including those designed for granular purposes.

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