19 | User Testing

I conducted two user tests with the paper prototypes so that I could get feedback and recommendations before creating a prototype in Figma. The testers first got some brief information about the project before I presented how the test was going to be conducted. The test consisted of five tasks where different features were involved so that I could understand how the different elements are perceived from others.

  • Is the content understandable and intuitive?
  • How is the interaction of specific elements perceived?
  • When there are multiple ways to solve a task, which one is preferred?

My setup during the user testing

The two people testing the prototype are females in their twenties. Both of them are tech-savvy and have used second-hand apps before.

  1. Register a new user (you can make up the information yourself).
  2. Find sneakers for Thea.
  3. Create an ad for a pair of shoes you want to sell.
  4. Change Martin’s shoe size to size 25.
  5. Change your location.

Task 1: Went quickly, understood how to add a child.

Task 2: Went straight to a specific ad on the home screen, which happened to be a sneakers ad. Didn’t realize you could click on „recommended for Thea“ to see more options.

Task 3: Went well.

Task 4: Did it via the home screen.

Task 5: Profile page -> then settings.

Task 1: Went quickly. Understood ad child. No problems

Task 2: Went to explore, and then sneakers, and saw that it was already set to Thea.

Task 3: Created the ad without problems. Fast

Task 4: Went to profile page and clicked on his shoe size

Task 5: Went to profile page and then settings and clicked on location

  • It is not clear that it is possible to click on the “recommended for Thea” to find a more detailed display. Need to make that section look clickable
  • Changing the shoe size of a child can be done two ways and both paths were used by the test subjects.
  • Most tasks were conducted without any problems.

It was slightly challenging to conduct the tests alone. There is a lot to organize when doing tests with paper prototypes and the organizing can sometimes take the focus away from observing the tests. I also wanted to take notes along the way, but it was too challenging to do both that, observe and organize the paper prototypes. Next time I would want to get help from others to take notes and observe.

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I will work on the findings, implement some changes and create a prototype in Figma for the big reveal in the last blog post.

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