To enhance my scene, I created a plane with the help of the already existing floor model. I scaled the plane down so that it was fitting the middle of the room. I placed some plant models in my blender file. The plant files I got from GScatter.
Once I placed all my plant models in my blender file I added them all to one collection. With the Geometry Node Editor I created a new geometry node setup by first selecting the plane.
I added an Instance of Points and placed it between the Group Input and Output, I also added Join Geometry node to reconnect the original plane. Then I added a Collection Info node (where I selected the plant collection) which I connected to the Instance on Points node. There I adjusted the scale of the plants to fit the scene. With adding a Distribute points on Faces node I spread the plants randomly across the plane. With using Poison Disk I prevented the overlaping of plants. With adding Random Value node I assigned the randomising of the plant scales and rotations, to create a more natural look, and with using the Combine XYZ node I ensured that the plants rotate only on the Z axis.
With these steps, I created a dynamic and visually appealing arrangement of plants in my Project. These will help enrich the overall aesthetic and bring a touch of nature into the scene.