For this year’s project, I wanted to make a 3D object/environment with plants. First, I started by looking for inspiration and making a moodboard, which I created with the help of Pinterest. There I looked for pictures that I thought were suitable for my project.

After the created moodboard, I started with the first sketches. I wanted to create a model of a “building” which has a platform in the middle on which a figure is floating. The platform should be surrounded by plants. Likewise, the 3D model would also be an animation, in which the figure moves and has a 24-hour cycle from sunrise to sunset.
The model should be abstract, it would contain a mirror to give the room more dimensions, and „windows“ that select a view into the unknown. For the project, I wanted to play with different textures and light. The project should also be suitable for showing on stage and serve as a background for DJs.