Besides the game idea I introduced in my last blog post (an adaptation of the card game „Game of Pure Strategy“), I have also developed another game idea.
This is an adaptation of the classic board game „Mensch ärgere dich nicht.“
„Event-Cards“: These special fields and their corresponding event cards are themed around sustainability. Through various events and questions, children learn more about environmental awareness and sustainable decisions.
„Environment Points“: Collecting environmental points encourages the understanding that sustainable actions are rewarded and important for overall victory.
Learning Effects
- Through Event-Cards und Question-Cards children learn which actions are sustainable and how they can act more environmentally friendly in everyday life.
- „Entscheidungskarten“ encourage children to choose between different options and understand the consequences of their decisions.
- „Gute Nachrichten“-/“Schlechte Nachrichten“-cards shall teach, just by the nature of what it says in their text, how a specific action is categorized as being sustainable or not being sustainable
- The game promotes strategic thinking, as players must plan their moves with different game figures to get event cards.
Set of rules
The goal of the game is to get all your pieces to the finish line and collect at least 5 environmental points. If a player has all their pieces at the finish line but doesn’t have enough environmental points, they must stay in the game and play additional rounds until they reach the required number of environmental points.
Game Materials
- Game board
- Game pieces (4 per player)
- Dice
- 85 event cards
- 50 environmental points
- All pieces start in the „Home“ zone.
- The youngest player starts the game.
- Each player may roll the dice three times to get a 6 and place a piece on the starting space. If a player rolls a 6, they get an additional turn.
Rolling and Moving
- Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pieces according to the number rolled.
- If a piece lands on an „Ereignisfeld“, the player draws an event card.
Event Cards
- Question Cards: These cards ask questions about sustainability. If the player answers the question correctly, they may then move forward two spaces. If the answer is incorrect, they must wait, and the next player takes their turn.
- Decision Cards: The player must choose between two options. The chosen option determines if the player receives a bonus.
- Good News/Bad News Cards: The player gets rewarded or penalized for the action that is stated on the card.
- Environmental Points: These points can be collected through event cards.
The game offers an exciting and educational twist on the classic game „Mensch ärgere dich nicht.“ Through the game, children learn the importance of sustainable actions and how small changes in everyday life can make a big difference. This game combines fun with education and is a great way to promote sustainable behavior.
Game Board & back of the Event-Cards

Examples for the Event-Cards

Environment Points