Last blogpost was about some of the key success factors for organizing a festival. I also want to preface this by saying my focus of this prototype will be on the unique organizational and logistical challenges in festival, not on the marketing and or booking side of things.
From the last blogpost and previous findings, local partnerships, sponsor and location of festival are all important factors of organizing. I want to start an look at how design methodology can be used to guide the processes of starting up and solving these initial problems.

Firstly categorizing and mapping the key problems to be solved, so that we have understood the actual problem is important first step. The above figure is a first prototype of creating a map/mind map that can be used by an organization to understand the spaces they are trying to solve. What are their location, who are their users and who are their potential partners are the first steps of understanding the festival they are trying to make.

The next step would be is what is our future workflow for realizing this, and as we often do as designer i have gone back to the double diamond. However i want to try and map on to the diamond what activities fit where. If this is a tool that should be used by someone starting out as a festival organizer, i want to try be clearer on what they should aim to solve and do before they move on to the next step. This way it will be highly specialized for a someone making a festival, but then it will also be easier for the intended end-user of this tool.