This block aims to reflect on the Generative Audio Synthesis Workshop, where various new plugins from Audiolab were presented by Sina Bokesoy. One that specifically caught my attention was the Oceanic plugin, in which VST parameters can be controlled by 5 different superimposed waves. This waves have their motion determined by Gerstner’s trochoidales wave solutions, that model ocean water on a physical basis. The screenshot below represents the main engine of the plugin, which doesn’t generate sound, but can easily be coupled with other sound generating instruments. The resulting sounds were very enjoyable and interesting textures could be created by manipulating the waves direction, steepness and also its length. The engine concept aims to replicate sea motion, this natural phenomena which in itself never sounds boring, as one can listen to it for hours, to synthesizer motion.

Other plugins were presented, such as the Thermo 2, where sonic textures could be created. The engine has a controlled entropy state which we can alter and increase instability. Fundamental 3 was another great plugin, inspired by Karlheinz Stockhausen, where test equipment related sounds could be used to generate unique synth textures.