After analyzing the audio-reactive visuals, I wondered how I could apply these outcomes practically. While creating an app might seem like an easy route, I wanted to explore how it would look and function in this context.
App Prototype
I designed a demo app prototype using Figma:
- Home Screen: Native Language Selection
- Users start by selecting their native language.
- Language Learning Selection
- Next, users choose the language they want to learn. This screen ensures that the app tailors the visualizations and pronunciation guides to the selected language.
- Start Pronunciation Practice
- The final page displays the data visualized video that I made in TouchDesigner. There is a simple prompt: „Hold to Pronounce.“ This allows users to practice pronunciation and see the visual feedback in real-time.

I made a quick prototype because for me the process and learnings from TouchDesigner was more challenging and interesting.
Next Step
I plan to write about my learnings and reflect on the overall process.