08 | Designing realities beyond screens – World building and immersive level design in VR, AR and MR

What this blogpost is all about

To better understand, how to design immersive and engaging experiences in VR, AR and MR, and building on the previous post about issues and how to solve them, it is necessary to understand the importance of world building and level design on the overall experience. As such, this blog-post aims to provide a short overview on different considerations to be aware of, when dealing with the challenge of creating an immersive experience for VR, AR and MR. Same as with my previous post, however, I would like to dive even deeper into immersive world building and continue my research, so this entry is only a momentary summary and my research into this topic – especially since I plan to eventually read all of Richard A. Bartle’s „Designing Virtual Worlds“ – is still incomplete.

Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda

  • Look into interfaces unique to VR, AR and MR
  • Check how interaction with VR, AR and MR may work
  • Research how to boost engagement and create intuitive interactions
  • Research into immersion and storytelling

1. Bartle, R.A.: Designing Virtual Worlds, New Rider, 2003, ISBN: 978-0-1310-18167.
2. Matsuda, K.: Hyper-Reality, online in: http://hyper-reality.co/ [08.02.2024].
3. n.a.: VR Design Principles, online in: https://viro-community.readme.io/docs/vr-design-principles [08.02.2024].