„Body and Violin Fusion“ – Programming V

Additionally, there are other abstractions that I found necessary during the practice phase. For instance, using the [jit.grab] object to digitize video from an external source like the laptop’s front-facing camera to observe my hand movements.

At the end I used a feature found in the Extras menu of Max MSP to record and play back the Max output, as well as another buffer to record the acoustic sound of the violin, for further synchronization and mixing.

Some parts of the patch were placed in abstractions to make the patch clearer and easier to follow for the violinist, as well as to make it more accessible in different sections. This will require opening multiple windows on the screen based on the performer’s preference. Nevertheless, a presentation mode of the main patch can also be considered, offering a simplified, performance-oriented interface that allows the violinist to focus on essential controls and visual elements without unnecessary distractions.

It is also worth mentioning that the function of the pedals (for 8 interactions) for the first 5 parts is to turn each one on/off, meaning the pedal needs to be pressed twice for each. However, for the last 3 parts, only one press is required. A counter number is included in this section to display the current interaction number, helping to prevent confusion while pressing the pedal.

Microsoft Word – Exposé III.docx

Figure 1. An overview of pedals functions and interactions in Max MSP

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