Evaluation of a Master’s Thesis

Runners High, Creating Interactive Audio Experiences for Runners

Master Theses in Sound Design by Hannes Barfuss at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. May 2021

1. Level of Creativity

        The Author brings in a good amount of creativity in his thesis, he develops an audio-based AR app that should enhance the experience of running. He explores different areas like real time sound manipulation, spatial Audio, programming and develops a prototype.

        He measures acceleration data which puts out numbers, which should be translated into audio, and this audio should tell a ‘story of running’ through sounds and motivate the runner

        2. Degree of Innovation

        Not really knowing what the current state of research in this area is, I would say the work is innovative as he explores audio aspects of AR and he is combining it with real time sound manipulation and audio feedback which interacts with the physical state the runner is in.  Gamification of running is a field with quite a bit of research in it. The thesis shows some of the current project/applications in this field, but they all have a different approach to it.

        This project has a lot of technical challenges as it is dealing with for example latency issues and mobile deployment.

        3. Independence

        The work on this thesis seems like a lot of independent work has been done. The author made algorithms for movement detection and state recognition using for example PureData. It seems like he explored a lot of options and tools to figure out what is best for his work. He developed his own idea and supported and build it up from research. From what I grasped also a lot of problem solving had to be done.

        4. Structure

        Overall, the thesis is well structured going from the first introduction what is the goal, to research in different relevant fields to prototyping to the outcome. He gave the chapters titles in the theme as if it would be a run (from before the run, over choosing the right shoes, until stretching after). Some chapters have too many subchapters, up to seven, and some of them are just half a page long, so he could have put some subchapter together into one.

        5. Degree of Communication

        In some parts this thesis deals with quite complex technical topics. In my opinion it is written in a way that is good to understand with some technical terms explained. But in some parts where he dives a lot into details it can be hard to understand.

        6. Extent of the work

        The thesis has a big amount of work. It includes theoretical research, a technical overview of augmented reality audio, practical design and implementation, and a prototype evaluation. The areas in which he works include and combine artistic and technical aspects.

        7. Orthography and accuracy

        The work has clear documentation and citations. It seems like the author gave attention to the language used. Overall, it seems like a very well researched work.

        8. Literature

        The topic covers many different areas of research, and the thesis is written upon more than 65 sources on various relevant topics. Although it is not very clear in the literature list on first sight which kind of sources are used.

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